Ellen’s Game of Games, AKA Game of Games is an American TV series that aired on NBC on December 18, 2017. Created by Kevin A. Leman II, the series is based on game segments from DeGeneres’ daytime talk show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show. It stars Ellen DeGeneres, Stephen Boss, Rachel Marsh, Lacie Armstrong, Steven Natale, Meghan Trainor, Matt Iseman, Akbar Gbajabiamila, Matt Iseman, Maurice Tillmon, and Sonia Monroy as the contestants of the show.
The series is produced by A Very Good Production Telepictures, and Warner Horizon Unscripted Television in association with Ellen DeGeneres, Kevin A. Leman II, Mary Connelly, Ed Glavin, Andy Lassner, Derek Westervelt, Jeff Kleeman, Noah Bonnett, and Daniel Norris as the executive producers of the show.
Will there be Ellen’s Game of Games Season 5?
No announcement regarding the renewal of the fifth season has been officially declared by the makers yet. Also, In January 2022, the series was canceled after four seasons. So, we’ve no update as of now.
Ellen’s Game of Games Season 5 Cast
So far, there have been no official revelations about the contestants of the upcoming installment. Thus, we have no idea who will be featured in the upcoming installment. However, it’s for certain if anyhow the films will be renewed, the main lead actors and actresses will return sure!
Here is the list of contestants who might come back if the film continues.
- Ellen DeGeneres will play as host
- Stephen Boss will play as host
- Rachel Marsh will play as himself
- Lacie Armstrong will play as himself
- Steven Natale will play as himself
- Meghan Trainor will play as himself
- Usher will play as himself
- Matt Iseman will play as himself
- Akbar Gbajabiamila will play as himself
- Noveen Crumbie will play as himself
- Jade Kaiser will play as himself (contestant)
- Maurice Tillmon will probably play as the Contestant
- Sonia Monroy has played as the Contestant
Ellen’s Game of Games Season 5 Release Date
Now that we’ve an official announcement that there will be no season after season 5. Also, there hasn’t been any official announcement by the makers about the renewal of the show. However, the fans are now waiting for the upcoming season, but there is no official announcement of the release date of season 5. Thus, without any clear-cut announcement, we cannot expect a release date. With hope in mind, we can anticipate that this series will probably release in 2023 (these are just speculation) on NBC screens.
Ellen’s Game of Games: Where To Watch?
You may watch the upcoming installment of the series, Ellen’s Game of Games on NBC.
Ellen’s Game of Games Season 5 Trailer
As mentioned earlier in this article, no trailer regarding the upcoming installment of Ellen’s Game of Games has yet been announced by the makers. Also, there haven’t been news updates by the makers on the makings of the show. Stay tuned for more updates!
That being, the official trailer or promotional teaser isn’t out yet. Once the production announces the official release date, the trailer will be released within a month or two.
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