Insatiable is a dark comedy drama. The show was developed by Lauren Gussis. It was based on Jeff Chu’s piece The Pageant King of Alabama. It was featured in The New York Times Magazine in July 2014. The first season began on the CW on August 10, 2018. The series was renewed for a second season in September 2018 and released on Netflix on October 11, 2019.
The plot of the show follows Patty Blasdell. She’s a teen. She was regularly bullied at school because she was overweight. Following a mishap, she decides to go on a three-month liquid diet. As a result, she was able to slim down and lose weight.
She then resolves to exact vengeance on her tormentors. This storyline and the events that have occurred subsequently are followed in the series. Here are all the updates about the potential third season of Insatiable.
Is Insatiable season 3 happening?
No. The series Insatiable has been cancelled The streaming service cancelled the series after two seasons in February 2020. But what was the reason for cancellation, you may wonder?
“It’s a mixture of factors. When we invest, we determine how much to invest based on the size of the audience that will attend “Cindy Holland, Netflix’s head of original content, commented on the streaming service’s cancelling decisions (via Deadline).
“If the audience doesn’t show up, we consider why we should keep investing in something that isn’t performing as well as we had intended. Obviously, critical acclaim is vital, but our main goal is to stretch our investment dollars as far as possible and repay our investors’ money – after all, it’s their money, not ours.”
Insatiable season three release date
Season 1 of the series premiered in August 2018. The second season landed in 2019. It’s pretty unfortunate that the show has been cancelled. And so, there’s no release date. If any other information comes out, we will update it here. Until then, stay connected with us!
Insatiable season 3 cast: Who may be in it?
If season three happens, we can expect the return of almost all the cast members. Here’s who may be featured:
- Arden Myrin as Regina,
- Dallas Roberts as Bob Armstrong Jr,
- Christopher Gorham as Bob Barnard,
- Sarah Colonna as Angie,
- Erinn Westbrook as Magnolia,
- Kimmy Shields as Nonnie,
- Michael Provost as Brick,
- Irene Choi as Dixie, and
- Alyssa Milano as Coralee.
Both Christopher Gorham and Alyssa Milano shared the following photo with the caption: “Season 2 of @insatiable is near…but let’s be honest…@insatiable 3 is what you never knew you always wanted. Just stay open.”
Is the trailer for season 3 of Insatiable out yet?
No. The series has been cancelled and there’s no trailer. Watch the previous season’s trailer down below!
Where to watch Insatiable?
You may watch the series Insatiable on Netflix. All the episodes are available to watch and stream on the same platform!
Will there be a season 4 of Insatiable?
No. Insatiable season 4 won’t happen. Season 3 of the series has been cancelled.