Go, Dog. Go! is an educational computer animated children’s streaming TV that debuted on January 26, 2021, on Netflix. Based on the 1961 children’s book of the same name by P. D. Eastman, the storyline of the series follows the lifestyle of two young canines, Tag Barker and Scooch Pooch, in their canine town of Pawston. The series is voiced by Tag Barker, Scooch Pooch, Ma Barker, Paw Barker, Cheddar Biscuit, Gilbert Barker, Grandma Marge, Yip Barker, Sgt Pooch, Mayor Sniffington, Wind Swiftly, Gabe Roof, and Little Dog.
The series is Morgana Duque by Adam Peltzman, Lynn Kestin Sessler, Chris Angelilli, Josh Scherba, Stephanie Betts, and Amir Nasrabadi.
The production companies behind the series are DreamWorks Animation Television and WildBrain Studios.
Will there be Go, Dog. Go! Season 4?
Produced by DreamWorks Animation Television and WildBrain Studios, the first chapter of the series premiered on January 26, 2021. The second season premiered on December 7, 2021, followed by the third chapter on September 19, 2022.
However, there hasn’t been any official confirmation regarding the renewal of the fourth edition of Go, Dog. Go!
Once it has been renewed by the makers, we’ll keep you guys updated. As soon as we get any other news updates, we will post ‘em in the next article. Until then, stay tuned for further information and gossip!
Go, Dog. Go! Season 4 Cast
As of now, DreamWorks Animation has not yet revealed any confirmation regarding its starting members of the upcoming season of Go, Dog. Go!. Similarly, keeping an eye on earlier seasons, we can expect some cast to reappear again if the season happens.
- Tag Barker will be voiced by Michela Luci
- Scooch Pooch will be voiced by Callum Shoniker
- Ma Barker will be voiced by Katie Griffin
- Paw Barker will be voiced by Martin Roach
- Cheddar Biscuit will be voiced by Tajja Isen
- Spike Barker will be voiced by Lyon Smith
- Gilbert Barker will be voiced by Lyon Smith
- Grandma Marge Barker will be voiced by Judy Marshank
- Grandpaw Mort Barker will be voiced by Patrick McKenna
- Yip Barker will be voiced by Diane Salemi
- Sgt Pooch will be voiced by Linda Ballantyne
- Frank will be voiced by David Berni
- Lady Lydia will be voiced by Linda Ballantyne
- Gerald will be voiced by Patrick McKenna
- Muttfield will be voiced by Patrick McKenna
- Manhole Dog will be voiced by Patrick McKenna
- Mayor Sniffington will be voiced by Linda Ballantyne
- Sam Whippet will be voiced by Joshua Graham
- Beefsteak will be voiced by Tajja Isen) a strong pink dog resembling a Chihuahua. She is an exercise coach at the Ruff and Tumble Gym.
- Wind Swiftly will be voiced by Ava Preston) a purple dog.
Where To Watch Go, Dog. Go!
You may watch all the seasons of Go, Dog. Go! on Netflix.
Go, Dog. Go! Season 4 Trailer
Adhering to the fact that there haven’t been any revelations or announcements made by the production house or the developers of the show, the official trailer of the fourth edition of Go, Dog. Go! isn’t out yet. You can expect to see the promotional teaser a month or two after it has been confirmed.