This upcoming feature film will focus on four siblings who discover a nurturing haven in the most unexpected place. Titled as ‘Nutcrackers’, the film is rumored to be a dramedy under Rough House Pictures. Rough House Pictures is an established production company who are popular for their works, ‘Arizona’ which premiered in 2018 as a comedy thriller film, ‘Dayveon’ which was directed by Amman Abbasi, ‘Flower’ starring Zoey Deutch, Adam Scott, Kathryn Hahn and more, ‘Donald Cried’ which premiered in 2016 as a dramedy, ‘Hot Sugar’s Cold World’ a documentary and more. For the upcoming feature film, Rough House Pictures has planned a heartwarming tale that is inspired from real life and is bound to give its audiences a genuinely remarkable bonding experience through its captivating narrative.
‘Nutcrackers’ is predicted to commence its filming by the end of November with its wrapping being sometime in January, next year. Winnington and Mason will be serving as the locations for the filming of the upcoming project.
David Gordon to Join the Crew as the Director for ‘Nutcrackers’
David Gordon Green, a popular filmmaker will be taking up the direction for this upcoming feature film. David Gordon Green is primarily known for his horror and comedy works. Some of his known works include, ‘Halloween Returns’ which premiered in 2018 and its sequels, ‘The Exorcist: Believer’ a horror film which premiered in 2023, ‘Pineapple Express’ which starred Seth Rogen, James Franco and more, ‘Prince Avalanche’ a dramedy starring Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch, ‘Manglehorn’ which premiered in 2014 and more. Joining David Gordon Green in the crew is Leland Douglas who will be composing the screenplay for ‘Nutcrackers’. Leland Douglas is a producer/ writer whose works include, ‘Mommy I Didn’t Do It’ which was released in 2017 as a thriller drama, ‘Bed and Breakfast which was directed by Márcio Garcia, ‘The Wrong Woman’ which was the original film to the sequel ‘Mommy I Didn’t Do It’.
Atilla Yucer and Nate Meyer will be joining the crew as the film’s producers. Atilla Yucer is a known producer whose works include, ‘Vice Principals’ which premiered as a comedy directed by Joseph Stephens, David Gordon Green’s ‘The Exorcist: Believer’, ‘Greetings from Tim Buckley’ which premiered in 2013, ‘Red Knot’ a short drama and more. Nate Meyer is an emerging producer whose works include, ‘See Girl Run’ which premiered in 2012 as a romance film and ‘The Historian’ which premiered in 2014 and was directed by Miles Doleac, to name a few.