The Australian reality show, “Crikey! It’s the Irwins” follows the famous Irwins – the children and wife of the Late Steve Irwin as they continue their father’s legacy by navigating their life at the Australia Zoo. The show stars Robert, Bindi, and Terri Irwin. The reality show first aired on Animal Planet on October 28, 2018.
“Crikey! It’s the Irwins” has so far successfully launched a total of four seasons and generated an overall 49 episodes and a special consisting of five episodes entitled “Live in Lockdown” which were released on July 11, 2021. Fans of this show are now eagerly awaiting the return of the fifth season.
The official synopsis of the show states that Crikey! It’s the Irwins “Follow Terri, Bindi, and Robert Irwin as they run the extraordinary Australia Zoo in the bushlands of northern Australia. Caring for over 1,200 animals, overseeing a world-class wildlife hospital, and conducting high-octane global conservation expeditions, the Irwins’ lives are full of adventure, fueled by their love of animals and passion for protecting them.”
To know more about season 5 of “Crikey! It’s the Irwins,” stay with us till the end.
Will There Be a Season 5 of Crikey! It’s the Irwins: Is it Renewed or Cancelled?
Following the positive response from the audience, the show was renewed for season three on May 28, 2020, which was launched in February 2021, and a fourth season that aired in January 2022.
It appears that you’re thrilled by “Crikey! It’s the Irwins,” which isn’t unexpected taking into account the talented and skilled cast or the most recent episodes, so presumably, you might be curious whether or not the program will have a fifth season. Well, as of now the show has not been renewed or canceled yet. Also, there’s been no word from the showrunners as well. Considering that there’s been no indication about the fourth season being the last, there is a possibility that the show will return with another season.
Crikey! It’s the Irwins Season 5 Release Date
As mentioned previously, the show is currently awaiting its renewal confirmation from the network and it is not entirely known whether there’ll be a fifth season but on the off chance, the show gets renewed, fans can expect to see the new set of episodes sometime in 2024 or 2025, at the earliest.
The Cast of Crikey! It’s the Irwins Season 5
The new season of “Crikey! It’s the Irwins” will once again star The Irwins. This include–
- Terri Irwin – Wife of Lt. Steve Irwin
- Bindi Irwin – Oldest Daughter of Terri and Lt. Steve Irwin
- Robert Irwin – Younger Brother of Bindi
- Wes Mannion – Best Friend of Lt. Steve
- Chandler Powell – Bindi’s husband
- Steve Irwin – The late crocodile hunter and Father of Robert and Bindi’s father (emerges in archive videos)
Crikey! It’s the Irwins Season 5 Plot
Since Crikey! It’s the Irwins is a reality show there is no specific plot for the potential upcoming fifth season. Most probably, the show will once again follow The Irwins as they navigate their lives at the Australia Zoo as that deal with all kinds of animals.
Crikey! It’s the Irwins Season 5: Final verdict?
Based on the fact that the show has not been canceled implies there is indeed a possibility of seeing the Irwins in a whole new season. But for now, let’s wait for official updates.