Capitani is a Luxembourgish investigation crime drama thriller TV series that debuted on 1 October 2019 on RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg. Created by Thierry Faber, Eric Lamhène, and Christophe Wagner, the storyline starts with the dead body of a fifteen-year-old boy named Jenny Engel, which was dumped in a forest near the fictional village of Manscheid (Mënscht). The storyline of the series was highly appreciated by the audience and critics. Also, Capitani is the first Luxembourgish crime series as the country’s first Netflix series.
It stars Luc Schiltz, Sophie Mousel, Brigitte Urhausen, Konstantin Rommelfangen, Joe Dennenwald, Claude De Demo, Jules Werner, and Pierre Body as the lead star cast of the series.
Will there be Capitani Season 3? Release date?
The series debuted on 1 October 2019 on RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg. Lately, in 2021, the series was acquired by Netflix and began streaming on 11 February 2021. Considering the popularity, the series has been renewed by Wagner which premiered on RTL on 22 February 2022 and began streaming on Netflix on 8 July 2022. As of now, no official announcement regarding the renewal of the third season of Capitani has been released by the makers.
Capitani Season 2 Plot Recap:
- The Luxembourg rural murder of a young woman is investigated by Capitani and his crew.
- Capitani discovers a long-hidden community secret during the investigation.
- Capitani must face his history and demons to solve the case.
- Season 2 was well-received and profitable. It was appreciated as dark and suspenseful, with deep characters and social criticism. The show also raised law enforcement issues and justice.
Capitani season 2 ending explained (Spoilers ahead)
Capitani Season 2 begins three years after Season 1. Disgraced detective Luc Capitani (Luc Schiltz) lives in Luxembourg City’s squalid Gare neighborhood. He was released after killing a narcotics dealer. Grace (Jennifer Heylen) asks Capitani to find her missing friend Andrea. Andrea is a sex worker, and Capitani swiftly links her disappearance to drugs.
Andrea’s ritualistic murder is discovered by Capitani while investigating her disappearance. He also discovers a dark Gare district secret involving influential people. As Capitani uncovers the truth, he risks his life. He is haunted by his history and threatened by those protecting the secret.
Capitani solves the case and prosecutes the offenders. However, he learns that no victory is pure. He must face his problems and make tough decisions to do right. Capitani solves the case and prosecutes the offenders. However, he learns that no victory is pure.
Season 2 of the series was well-received and profitable. Dark and suspenseful, with deep characters and social criticism, it was appreciated. The show also raised law enforcement issues and justice. Stay tuned for further updates!
Capitani Season 3 Cast?
As of this writing, there have been zero revelations on the cast list for the third season of Capitani. Neither the production nor the creators of the series have announced any official confirmation on the cast members. However, We can anticipate the return of many previous cast members for the third installment.
Here is the list of members who can appear in the upcoming edition:-
- Luc Schiltz will play as Luc Capitani
- Sophie Mousel will play as Elsa Ley
- Brigitte Urhausen will play as Carla Pereira / Sofia Santos
- Konstantin Rommelfangen will play as Steve Weis
- Jil Devresse will play as Jenny / Tanja Engel
- Joe Dennenwald will play as Joe Mores
- Claude De Demo will play as Nadine Kinsch
- Jules Werner will play as Mick Engel
- Raoul Schlechter will play as Rob Berens
- Pierre Bodry will play as Pastor Claude Glodt
- Luc Feit will play as Usch Trierweiler
- Jemp Schuster will play as Pierre Rommes
- Julie Kieffer will play as Manon Boever
- Esther Gaspart Michels will play as Lea Holmes
- Marc Limpach will play as Gérard Gaspard
- Gindorff will play as Jerry Kowalska
- Timo Wagner will play as Frank Ferrone
- Désirée Nosbusch will play as Diane Bonifas
- Roland Gelhausen will play as Jim Boever
- Edita Malovčić will play as Valentina Draga
- Edson Anibal will play as Lucky Onu
- Tommy Schlesser will play as Arthur Koenig
- André Jung will play as Gibbes Koenig
- Lydia Indjova will play as Bianca Petrova
- Adrien Papritz will play as Dominik Draga
- Céline Camara will play as Stella Abasi
- Philippe Thelen will play as Toni Scholtes
Capitani Season 3 Trailer
So far, no official trailer announcement for the Capitani Season 3 has been released by Wagner. Generally, the trailer comes out a few months before the release, we hope to expect the trailer shortly by the month-end.
What can we expect from the plot of Capitani season three?
Capitani season 2 ended on a satisfying note and the third season will likely pick up from where the previous season left off. Since the makers haven’t made any potential revelations as to what might happen in the storyline further and what the cliffhanger is gonna be about, we cannot anticipate anything. However, we are certain that the upcoming installment might comprise the mysterious murders of angels and how everything is connected to all the crimes that are taking place in Luxembourg. The structure of the show will mainly be focusing on solving crimes as the previous seasons.