The Mexican thriller drama TV series has gained popularity for its outstanding plot and cast selection. Netflix, with a tweet, disclosed that Dark Desire was the most-watched non-English title series on Netflix. The series managed to amass 35 million viewers and 213 million hours in just 28 dates. No other non-English title series has ever come closer to this record since 2020. Dark Desire season 1 premiered on 15 July 2020 on Netflix, followed by the second season on February 2, 2022. Now, fans are waiting to see the release of the second season. Will it ever happen? Can we expect Dark Desire Season 3 in future? Let’s find out…
Dark Desire Season 3 Renewal Status
Created by Argos Comunicación for Netflix, Dark Desire debuted in 2020. The series proved to be a huge hit in terms of viewership. With its exceptional storyline and stunning execution of the cast, the series won the audience’s hearts. The management team of Dark Desire has not issued any official disclosure on the third season. In addition, Wikipedia claims that there will be no season 3, and the second season was the last season of Dark Desire.
Do you want Dark Desire Season 3? Check out the fans' reactions in this article.
♻️RT if you want to Netflix to renew Dark Desire/ Oscuro Deseo for Season 3. #DarkDesire #oscurodeseo2 #OscuroDeseo #maiteperroni #Netflix— Netflix News Source (@NetflixReporter) February 11, 2022
Dark Desire Season 3 Cast Update
Where there is no clue about the renewal of the series, it would be foolish to dig into its cast. Simply speaking, Netflix has not announced any official update about the actors who may appear in Season 3. But looking at the end of the last season, there are some actors who we can see in the next season.
- Maite Perroni will play the role of Alma Quintana Solares
- Erik Hayser will play the role of Esteban Solares
- Alejandro Speitzer will play the role of Darío Guerra
- María Fernanda Yepes will play the role of Brenda Castillo
- Regina Pavón will play the role of Zoe Solares
- Jorge Poza will play the role of Leonardo Solares
- Catherine Siachoque will play the role of Lys Antoine
- Arturo Barba will play the role of Íñigo Lazcano
- Ariana Saavedra[b] will play the role of Julieta Lazcano
- Paulina Matos will play the role of Edith Ballesteros
- Leticia Huijara will play the role of Lucinda
- Claudia Pineda will play the role of Patricia García
- Esteban Soberanes will play the role of Vallejo
- Samantha Orozco will play the role of Rosalba
- Fabián Merlo will play the role of El Chalán
- Tony Valdes will play the role of Jacinto
- Eligio Meléndez will play the role of El Padrino
Dark Desire Season 3 Release Date
If sources are to be believed, makers have cancelled Dark Desire after season 2. Even though Netflix has not officially released any notice regarding the show’s cancellation, according to Wikipedia, the show has been cancelled. We will inform you as soon as we get any news related to the renewal of the show.
Where To Watch Dark Desire Season 3
Like its previous two seasons, if season 3 is released, it will also be streamed on Netflix.
Will there be Dark Desire Season 4?
No official data has been released from the production end, assuring the third season’s revival. Thus, it would be too early to think about the renewal of the fourth instalment.