BBC Studios is reportedly working on a series titled as ‘Your Knife My Back, My Gun Your Head’ centered on a mother who would go to any length in order to protect her child. BBC Studios is a known company whose productions across multiple genres are popular and award winning. Some of their productions include, ‘Good Omens’ starring Michael Sheen, David Tennant, Jon Hamm, Benedict Cumberbatch and more, ‘Trying’ a comedy that received a rating of 93% on Rotten Tomatoes, ‘Black Ops’ which premiered in 2023 as a comedy, ‘EastEnders’, an on- going series, ‘Casualty’ a drama that ran for 38 seasons, and more. Additionally, BBC Studios has produced several animated and factual productions. Some of the members of BBC Studios’ crew include, Ralph Lee (CEO), Martha Brass (COO), Hannah Wyatt and Kate Ward.
‘Your Knife My Back, My Gun Your Head’ is currently under active development and is predicted to commence its filming soon. The upcoming feature film will focus on Fiona who sets out on a journey of revenge after the headteacher of her son’s school, Marissa, expels her son for getting too close to her daughter. Her revenge is motivated by an all consuming hatred for Marissa and what follows as a result, is a series of catastrophic events with Fiona relentlessly pursuing Marissa’s daughter. The film will potentially premiere as a drama thriller with a character driven plot.
Anita Vettesse to Head the Screenplay for ‘Your Knife My Back, My Gun Your Head’
Anita Vettesse, a known screenwriter will be joining the crew for ‘Your Knife My Back, My Gun Your Head’ as the film’s writer. She is primarily known for her work , ‘This Thing of Darkness’ a 2020 podcast series starring Brian Vernel, Shauna Macdonald, Robin Laing and more. The series had a total of 7 episodes and was inspired from real life incidents. The series received numerous accolades and was noted for its unique plotline. The series premiered on BBC Studios Radio 4. Her other works include, scripts for theater performances.
As of now, ‘Your Knife My Back, My Gun Your Head’ is yet to announce its cast and crew. Yet, the producers of BBC Studios will potentially hop in for the development of this upcoming series. As for the premiere date, ‘Your Knife My Back, My Gun Your Head’ is predicted to premiere in the following year. However, the ongoing writers’ strike can affect the filming of the series, thereby postponing its premiere date.