‘The Student’, an upcoming feature film under Apprentice Productions is rumored to be directed by Ali Abbas Zafar with Greg Denny, Ainslee Kennedy, Megan Carey and Joel Hay joining the crew. Ali Abbas Zafar is a popular director who primarily works in Bollywood. Some of his popular works include, ‘Bharat’ starring Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif among others, ‘Sultan’ which premiered in 2016, ‘Mere Brother Ki Dulhan which premiered as a romantic comedy starring Katrina Kaif, Imran Khan and Ali Zafar, among others. Addditionally, Ali Abbas Zafar will be composing the screenplay for the film alongside Omar El- Khairy. Omar El- Khairy is an emerging artist who works in both theatre and film. Some of his known works include, They Heard Him Shout Allahu Akbar which premiered as a short in Foresight, ‘White Girl’ which premiered in 2019 and more.
Status, Location, Crew and More
The filming for ‘The Student’ will potentially commence by the end of November this year with Toronto serving as the film’s primary location. Seeing as how the upcoming feature film is still under its development stage, the plot for the film is yet to be announced. Nonetheless, it is certain that an active crew is currently working on this project to make it an appealing work of fiction.
The producers for ‘The Student’ include, Daniel Bekerman, Amy Baer, Louis Tisne and Juan de Dios Larraín. Daniel Bekerman is a known producer whose works include, ‘Youth Unstoppable’ which premiered in 2018 as a documentary tracing the global climate change, ‘Slash/Back’ which premiered in 2022 as a horror film, ‘Backstabbing for Beginners’ which featured Ben Kingsley and Theo James in the cast and more. Amy Baer is another established producer who is known for her works, ‘Last Vegas’ which premiered in 2013 as a dramedy, ‘Brian Banks’ which was directed by Tom Shadyac and ‘Purple Hearts’ starring Nicholas Galitzine and Sofia Carson, to name a few. Louis Tisne is an energing producer whose works include, ‘This Must Be the Place’ and ‘The Iron Lady’ among others. Juan de Dios Larraín is known for, ‘Neruda’ which premiered in 2016 and focused on the life of Pablo Neruda, ‘Ema’ a drama starring Mariana di Girolamo and Gael García Bernal, ‘Post Mortem’ which premiered in 2010 and was directed by Pablo Larraín, and more. Scynthia Films, Elastic Film and Fabula will be joining Apprentice Productions for the upcoming feature film. The expected end date for filming of ‘The Student’ is sometime in January, next year.