In a recent interview with Lights Camera Barstool, English actor Will Poulter shared an amusing fan encounter that involved Pixar’s iconic animated film, ‘Toy Story’. The actor, widely recognized for his roles in ‘The Revenant’ and ‘The Maze Runner’, left viewers in stitches as he recounted the unusual meeting.
Poulter revealed that he was once recognized by a fan in a bathroom who mistakenly believed he starred in the 1996 animated classic, ‘Toy Story’. Despite the film’s release predating Poulter’s career by several years and the movie being animated, the fan insisted on their recognition.
“I was like, ‘How do I explain that the character was animated, that the film came out in 1996,'” Poulter recalled in the video interview.
Poulter’s humorous recollection highlights the sometimes unexpected and confusing situations celebrities can find themselves in due to public recognition. The actor, despite the awkward situation, appeared to take the incident in stride, showing his ability to maintain a sense of humor about the peculiarities of fame.
You can watch the full video of Poulter’s interview on the Lights Camera Barstool’s YouTube channel.