“Acting Good”, a Canadian comedy series showcasing the life in a fictional indigenous community, has returned to the screens with its second season. Produced by Big Makwa Pictures, Buffalo Gal Pictures, and Kistikan Pictures, the production of season 2 is underway, with filming taking place in Winnipeg from May 23 to July 8, 2023.
Production Team For Season 2
The show boasts a notable production team. Producers Tina Keeper, Jennifer Beasley, and Phyllis Laing, along with showrunners Pat Thornton, Amber-Sekowan Daniels, and Eric Toth, are the driving forces behind the storytelling. Directors Michael Greyeyes, Darlene Naponse, Eric Toth, and Mary Galloway are responsible for bringing the episodes to life2.
Storyline and Setting
In its second season, “Acting Good” continues to follow the story of a man who, after a failed stint in the city, tries to reintegrate into his home community at Grouse Lake First Nation in Northern Manitoba. However, he is met with the eccentricities and idiosyncrasies of his family. The show revels in the unique dynamics of the community, where the phrase “Acting Good,” used to accuse someone of being full of themselves, carries significant weight.
Audience Reception and Controversy
“Acting Good” has elicited a mixed response from its viewers. Some audience members, particularly those with a connection to indigenous communities, find the show relatable and representative. They appreciate the series for its humour, the use of indigenous language, and its focus on indigenous communities45.
However, the series has also attracted criticism. Some viewers have described the show as poorly written, with concerns about the characterisation and representation of First Nations people. Critics have labelled the show as “amateurish,” “racist,” and “unfunny,” and worry that the series perpetuates harmful stereotypes about First Nations communities
Looking Ahead
Despite the mixed reviews, “Acting Good” has secured a second season, indicating a continued interest in its unique perspective and story. As the new season unfolds, it will be interesting to see how the show evolves and responds to both its criticism and praise.
Regrettably, the complete cast and crew list for the second season and information about where the series is distributed were not available at the time of writing. Further research may yield these details in the future.