Uzaki Chan, an anime television adaption of the manga written and illustrated by Take premiered in July 2020. It focuses on the story of Han Uzaki, and his upperclassman, Shinichi Sakurai, who end up at the same institution. It is a story of blossoming friendship, that takes the shape of a strong intimate bond. If you believe in the adage that opposites attract, this anime series is a must-watch. While Uzaki is a happy-go-lucky girl, Shinichi is a loner, and somewhat introvert. It is entertaining to see the pair entering into a romantic relationship, that everyone except the two acknowledges. Now with season 2 officially announced in September 2020, on the same day of season one’s final episode, fans could hope to witness much more chemistry of these characters. So, when Uzaki Chan, officially titled Uzaki Chan Wants to Hang Out! W, is expected to hit the screens? And what to expect from its plot? To find the answers, keep reading on:
The release date for Uzaki Chan Season two
Because of the favorable audience viewers, the anime series was ordered for the second season in 2020. Although an exact release date for season two has not yet been disclosed, we do have a definite release window. The next part of this popular anime is slated to launch sometime in 2022. Our best-educated guess is that the anime will drop either in the last quarter of 2022 or otherwise stuck to its summer airing date as its predecessor.
Fans can view the 12-episode season two of Uzaki Chan on Funimation. Considering that the streaming platform took to Twitter to announce the return of season second, we can anticipate streaming the upcoming episodes on Funimation as well.
Plot details of Uzaki Chan Season two
Season one saw Han Uzaki putting every effort to help Shinichi come out of the loner’s phase. But the constant stalking of Han has led to several embarrassing moments for his senior high school fellow. Despite that, their friendship has nurtured into love, with the pair still denying their feelings for one another. Therefore, if the creative team behind the anime series stays faithful to the manga adaptation, part two will bring to the screens more to Han and Shinichi’s romantic side. Moreover, the narrative would be accompanied by comedic elements.
While season one covered the Japanese manga’s substantial content material, we still have a constant supply of content for its future seasons because the manga is still in writing at this moment. With that said, fans might not worry about this slice-of-life anime series.
Cast Information of Uzaki Chan Season two
Uzaki Chan Wants To Hang Out W will feature its original voice cast of Uzaki Chan Season one. Naomi Ozaro reprising her role as Hana Uzaki, the bubbly, and extrovert girl who is reluctant to confess her love to her former high schooler fellow, Shinichi. While Kenji Akabane will play Shinichi Sakurai, an introvert, who prefers doing things his way, and yet has a liking for Hana, his lowerclassman. Other supporting characters of season two include Yanagi Uzaki, Hana’s sister, whom the viewers have only much known about, except that she enjoys teasing her siblings, Kiri Uzaki, Hana’s younger brother, who made his appearance in season one. Hana’s parents- Fujio Uzaki, and Tsuki Uzaki might also be a part of season two’s plot in some form or another.
Kazuya Miura will return to his directorial role in part two, while Takashi Aoshima will put his imagination into words through his writing skills. ENGI Is the anime studio associated with the production of this rom-com anime series.
Trailer for Uzaki Chan Season two
We have no official teaser trailer for Uzaki Chan Wants to Hang Out! As of now. However, we shall update this space as more information regarding Uzaki Season two becomes known.
Keep checking with us for more updates about Uzaki Chan season two.