Plunderer is a Japanese anime series directed by Hiroyuki Kanbe and produced by Hideo Momota, Hiroyasu Taniguchi, Rie Ogura, Soujirou Arimizu, Adam Zehner, Hideaki Matsumoto, and Kousei Kawamotomanga based on a manga series penned and illustrated by Suu Minazuki.
The anime series is licensed by Funimation, which was launched on January 8, 2020, on KBS, Tokyo MX, TVA, SUN BS11, AT-X networks. Following the success of the first season, fans have been eagerly looking forward to a second season of Plunderer. Let’s find out in details below.
Plunderer Season 2: Is it Renewed Or Canceled?
As of now, Plunderer season 2 is neither canceled nor confirmed by the studio or any of the staff. We haven’t heard a single word regarding a second season since the first season ended but that doesn’t mean that it’s not happening. Fans need to be patient and wait for further announcements.
Is Season 2 of Plunderer Ever Happening?
The anime series was quite popular and is deemed enjoyable to watch by many fans so we see no reason why the makers would not return with a second season. Although there were some mixed reactions on certain scenes and some fans showed disappointment on how the anime series was adapted but overall, it still has a great fan following and wishes to give this series a second chance to redeem itself. But for now, the future seems uncertain.
Plunderer Season 2 Release Date: When Is It?
Currently, the second season of Plunderer doesn’t have an official release date as it hasn’t been confirmed yet.
If the anime series does indeed return with a second season, it won’t be out until Spring to Summer of 2023.
The Cast of Plunderer Season 2: Who’s In It?
We can expect all the major characters and the cast behind the character’s voices to return in the second season of Plunderer which includes–
- Licht Bach/ Rihito Sakai will be voiced by Yoshiki Nakajima
- Hina Farrow will once again voiced by Rina Honnizumi
- Lynn May will be voiced by Ari Ozawa
- Pele Poporo/Gespenst Zerlegen will be voiced by Aoi Ichikawa
- Jail Murdoch will be voiced by Yūichirō Umehara
- Nana Bassler will be voiced by Shizuka Itō
- Mizuka Sonohara will be voiced by Aoi Yūki
- Alexandrov Grigorovich / Alan will be voiced by Hiroki Tōchi
- Schmerman Bach will be voiced by Toshihiko Seki
- Firenda will be voiced by Kotono Mitsuishi
- Taketora Doan will be voiced by Satoshi Hino
- Tokikaze Sakai will be voiced by Kaito Ishikawa
- Saki Ichinose will be voiced by Miyu Kubota
- Genji Akui will be voiced by Yohei Azakami
- Kyouhei Suda will be voiced by: Tomohito Takatsuka
- Asumi Sumiya will be voiced by Yukimi Hayase
- Kyouka Narumiya will be voiced by Tamaki Orie
Plunderer Season 2 Plot: What To Expect From The Storyline?
When it comes to the plot details of Plunderer season 2, not much has been revealed but we do know that it will follow the manga series. In the first season, it covered the manga volume 1 to 10. The second season will continue from where it left off, meaning it will start covering from manga volume 10.
The anime series had a jumpy start but the finale episode left the door open for a second season. Needless to say, there are plenty of chapters or source materials available to create a new season but to create a two cour anime, it will roughly need about 15 to 20 fresh chapters.
Nevertheless, the manga releases new chapters every month and by the end of the year, there will be enough source materials for the makers to return with a second season with two cours.
Where Can I Watch Plunderer Season 2?
Season 2 of Plunderer will be available on Funimation.