Conceived by Dave Broome, Ultimate Beastmasters is an American sports entertainment series that was launched on February 24, 2017, on Netflix. The show distinguishes itself by displaying primarily international talent compared to other reality competition shows. This series introduces six localized editions, featuring different hosts, performers, comedians, and athletes as emcees for the six nations partaking in the show.
Responses from all nations’ hosts emerge in each localized edition, mostly during challenges to move to the final round. Ultimate Beastmaster comprises ten episodes, published all at the same time on the streaming for viewers across the world.
The last time we saw Ultimate Beastmaster was over three years ago, which is the third season. The show obtained generally favorable responses, however, some criticized the show’s announcers and continual course. Now the question is, will there be a fourth season of Ultimate Beastmaster? Let’s find out below.
Ultimate Beastmaster Season 4 Release Date: When Is It?
Currently, there has been no word regarding a fourth season. Moreover, Netflix is yet to renew or cancel the show. The first season was released on February 24, 2017. The second was launched on December 15, 2017. The third season premiered on August 31, 2018.
Nonetheless, it’s been a long wait for fans who are looking forward to a brand new season but so far neither the makers of the show nor Netflix has provided any update. Could it be that the series has ended for good? But then again if that’s the case Netflix would have already announced it. The fact that it has not been canceled or renewed indicates that there’s still hope for the show to make a return with the fourth season.
If renewed, we can expect the fourth season of Ultimate Beastmaster to arrive somewhere this year or in 2023.
“I love Ultimate Beastmaster, and I think it might be a smash again,” showrunner Broome said after season 4 was canceled!
At the time of this writing, the cast and producers have not announced the renewal of Ultimate Beastmaster Season four. However, Netflix canceled the show after three seasons in 2018, and the show is least likely to return with its fourth season.
Dave Broome, the show’s creator, is open to a fourth season if he can find the proper network or streaming service. In a 2022 interview, Broome said: “I love Ultimate Beastmaster, and I think it might be a smash again. I need the perfect partner to make it happen. My performance is expensive to produce, so I need a partner to invest.”
Several networks or streaming providers may renew the Ultimate Beastmaster. The show has a huge, enthusiastic fan base worldwide. This series was also expensive to make. A massive set, staff, and contestants were needed, which implies any network or streaming service that wants to renew the show must invest a lot of money.
Ultimate Beastmaster’s fourth season is Dave Broome’s call. We’ll keep you informed with all the latest developments as and when it’s available, please stay connected with us until then!
Ultimate Beastmaster season 3 ending explained
Ultimate Beastmaster Season 3 new tournament-style approach takes two contestants from each episode to a semifinal and final round to compete for the title. The season includes new contestants from the US, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, France, Italy, and the UK.
Key competitors this season:
- UK personal trainer and climber Corbin Mackin.
- Danish CrossFit athlete Mads Kjaer was a professional soccer player.
- American stuntwoman and CrossFit competitor Jessie Graff.
- Flip Rodriguez is a Brazilian rock climber and CrossFit athlete.
- Mehdi Mehrabpoor (France): CrossFit and parkour pro.
- Candidates start the season with a three-stage obstacle course in qualifying heats. The top two heat finishers advance to the semifinals.
Ultimate Beastmaster Season 3 was enjoyable and successful. Its thrilling competition, diverse field, and rigorous obstacle course were praised. Stay tuned for further updates!
The Cast of Ultimate Beastmaster Season 4: Who Will Return?
As for the contestants nothing has been revealed at the moment. But we do know that it will feature a new batch of contestants from across the globe to compete for the Ultimate Beastmaster title. The show doesn’t have a fixed host either as with each season, new local hosts are being introduced.
The previous winners who were crowned the Ultimate Beastmaster are:
- Season 1 Winner: Felipe Camargo of Brazil
- Season 2 Winner: Haibin Qu of China
- Season 3 Winner: Corbin Mackin of the United Kingdom
Needless to say, it’s difficult to predict when it comes to the election of the hosts and most certainly we can’t also predict which nations will compete in the possible upcoming fourth season.
What Could Happen In Season 4 of Ultimate Beastmaster?
The first and second seasons followed the same format and had 12 contestants each. However, the third season followed a different format and increased the total of countries to nine instead of six where they ultimately battled it out to win the title. So when it comes to the upcoming fourth season, not much is known but we assume that it will follow a similar format with some twists.
Where Can I Watch Ultimate Beastmaster Season 4?
If a fourth season happens, it will likely land on Netflix. You can also watch all the previous episodes available for streaming on Netflix.
Ultimate Beastmaster Season 4: Will it happen?
Sadly, it looks like a fourth season of Ultimate Beaster will not be happening even though many fans loved watching this incredible show.
To put it, it’s been over four years since fans witnessed the last episode on the screens and till now, there’s been no concrete word or update concerning the fourth season of Ultimate Beastmaster from the showrunners. According to speculations, the reality competition show has officially ended with the third season as its last. So we highly doubt that a fourth season will ever be renewed.
The show spawned a total of three episodes which consist of an overall 29 episodes. Created by Dave Broome, “Ultimate Beastmaster” is executive produced by Sylvester Stallone, Yong Yam, Kevin King-Templeton, Elayne Cilic, Travis McDaniel, and Mike Espinosa along with Broome. Each episode had a runtime of 40-83 minutes. The show’s last episode aired on August 31, 2018. As of yet, the program has ended for good. However, let’s wait for the official announcement.
If Ultimate Beastmaster season 4 happens, how many episodes can we expect?
If the series gets a renewal, we can expect the fourth edition to have a similar number of episodes as the previous season. That said, the fourth instalment may comprise 9 episodes or more. But as you may know, the series has been cancelled. So, there won’t be more episodes in the future.
Is Ultimate Beastmaster worth watching?
The series Ultimate Beastmaster is an exceptionally intense and robust physical reality TV show. Participants compete against each other and the clock to move through rounds of an obstacle course. The series is a test of not just physical strength but more importantly mental strength. On IMDb, Ultimate Beastmaster holds an average rating of 7.2 out of 10. While on Rating Graph, the series holds a rating of 7.4 out of 10. Hence, it’s definitely worth watching!
Top 10 similar shows like “Ultimate Beastmaster”
If you’re into physical reality shows like Ultimate Beastmaster and looking for similar series, here’s our top 10 recommendations:
- Too Hot to Handle
- The Mole
- Floor is Lava
- Run for the Money
- Snowflake Mountain
- Escape the Undertaker
- Until Dawn
- Flinch
- Killpoint
- Hyperdrive
(updated 17/1/2023)
Will Ultimate Beastmaster be back for Season 4?
(Updated 19/4/2023)
As per information from Reddit, the reality show has been quietly canceled and won’t be back for a fourth season. Moreover, it’s been four years since the third season aired and no announcements have been made so far indicating the series has perhaps ended. However, let’s not jump to conclusions and wait for further updates. And even if a new season does happen, it would take some time to arrive.