“Transformers: Rise of the Beasts,” the latest installment in the blockbuster Transformers franchise, has made a robust debut at the box office. With a global gross of over $80 million within just three days of its release, the film is a testament to the enduring popularity of this storied franchise.
Directed by Steven Caple Jr., and brought to life by an ensemble of talented writers, the film introduces a new faction of Transformers – the Maximals – who join the Autobots in their battle for Earth. Set in the ’90s, this latest entry adds a new flavor to the saga and has caught the interest of fans old and new alike.
The opening weekend saw a domestic gross of $61,045,464, with the film earning $25,649,418 on its opening day. It held steady at rank 2 throughout the weekend despite a decrease in earnings each day, with $19,365,981 and $16,030,065 earned on Saturday and Sunday respectively.
This PG-13 rated action, adventure, and sci-fi flick, made with a budget of $200 million, has so far been well-received by audiences, currently ranking 6 on the MOVIEmeter, with a jump of 47 places in a week. The movie’s ratings indicate a favorable response across different age demographics, with an average rating of 6.6 out of 10 from 14,835 votes.
The Transformers franchise, under the production helm of Paramount Pictures, has always shown strong performance in the box office, and “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” is no exception. This Steven Caple Jr. directed piece has drawn in audiences with its unique premise, high-octane action, and the nostalgic draw of the ’90s setting.
As the film enters its first full week in theaters, the industry is watching to see if the box office numbers will continue their upward trajectory. With the summer blockbuster season in full swing, “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” has made a solid start, and is a promising contender in the cinematic landscape of 2023. It remains to be seen how high it will climb in the worldwide box office charts, but early signs are certainly encouraging.
Date | Daily Gross | Theaters | Avg. per Theater | Cumulative Gross |
Fri, Jun 9, 2023 | $25,649,418 | 3,678 | $6,973 | $25,649,418 |
Sat, Jun 10, 2023 | $19,365,981 | 3,678 | $5,265 | $45,015,399 |
Sun, Jun 11, 2023 | $16,030,065 | 3,678 | $4,358 | $61,045,464 |