Thicker Than Water season 2 is a Netflix drama thriller that initially debuted in 2023. The eight-episode television series, created by Nawell Madani and Simon Jablonka, centers on Fara, a budding TV journalist who must put everything on the line to keep her brother safe.
Just as she accepts the dream position she has been working toward for years, her life begins to spin out of control. However, her devotion to her brother—who is involved in shady behavior involving a hit-and-run and a burned-out car loaded with drugs—brings about a chain of circumstances that threatens to alter her life forever.
With the first season on the air, there has been much speculation regarding a second season – here’s everything we know about Thicker Than Water season 2!
Has Netflix confirmed the arrival of Thicker Than Water Season 2?
The compelling show Thicker Than Water may return for a second season, but Netflix has not announced it. There is plenty of room for a second season given that the eight-episode series leaves some plot lines unresolved.
Season 1 of Thicker Than Water just finished airing on April 7, 2023 with eight episodes in total. There are currently no updates on the show’s second season. As the show’s name implies, it heavily emphasizes family and honor. Fara and her three sisters, all from Muslim families, discover they must cooperate to survive the events.
The primary plot is driven by crime, drama, drugs, and criminals, but many smaller moments focus on the four women’s daily lives that give the program depth and dimension and make it greater than the sum of its parts.
Thicker Than Water Season Two Cast Insights
Walid Afkir, Mayane Sarah El Base, Kahina Carina, Paul Hamy, Aisa Gachoud, Radouan Leflahi, Kaimouche, Nawell Madani, Paola Locatelli, Djebril Zonga, and Vincent Rottiers are among the cast members of Thicker Than Water.
Karimouche, Aida Ghechoud, and Paul Hamy are the supplementary actors. Aida Ghechoud is renowned for her performances in the films Papicha, La Voisine, and Les Palmiers Blessés.
The creators of the upcoming French Netflix Original crime drama series Thicker Than Water are Nawell Madani and Simon Jablonka.
Thicker Than Water Season 2 Plot and Storyline Updates
The official summary was recently made available by the streaming service Netflix. The narrative centers on a journalist whose life takes an uncontrollable turn after she defends her brother from the law – however, this accidentally compels her family to participate in a drug lord’s cunning scheme. To preserve their difficult brother, journalist Fara must reconcile with her sisters.
It happens right before she gets the chance of a lifetime for her profession. The sisters get involved in their brother’s large pharmaceutical company, which sends their lives into an unforeseen downward spiral. The saying “blood is thicker than water,” which is the basis for the series’ name, emphasises the value of sisterhood and family.
However, there hasn’t been an official announcement as to what the second season storyline may comprise. We shall keep this space as and when any new development is made – please stay connected with us until then!
Thicker Than Water Season Two: Where to watch?
You can watch all the last season’s episodes of Thicker Than Water on Netflix. The second season will likely air on the same platform – happy watching!
Will Thicker Than Water Season 3 Happen?
No updates as of yet!