The Unbroken Voice is a musical biographical drama that revolves around a prominent Colombian singer named Arelys. She is the protagonist of The Unbroken Voice – a young woman whose sole ambition is to become a musician. After then, her personal and professional lives are revealed to us, and she develops into a cultural phenomenon and a role model for all the discriminated-against women
Having aired for one successful season, this musical series has received immense popularity and attention from media and audiences alike. That said, there has been a lot of speculation about a second season – here’s everything you need to know about The Unbroken Voice season 2!
The Unbroken Voice season 2 release date
The Unbroken Voice season 1 debuted on November 23, 2022, on Netflix. If everything goes according to plan and Netflix decides to renew for Season 2, we should be able to watch Season 2 in the first half of 2024.
The Unbroken Voice Season 2 is anticipated to premiere sometime in the first half of 2024, assuming Netflix decides to renew it for a second season. The first season was a big hit, so everyone is naturally interested in what will happen in Season 2. We’ll keep you updated on all season 2 developments; stay connected with us for all the latest updates!
The Unbroken Voice season 2 cast: Who will be in it?
For the second season, we can expect the return of almost all the cast members, including:
- Mariana Gómez as Luz Arelys Henao Ruiz
- José Ramón Barreto as Wilfredo Hurtado
- Yuri Vargas as Yazmín
- Juan Sebastián Calero as Alonso Henao
- Luis Eduardo Motoa as Tano Henao
- Victoria Ortiz as Clara Inés Ríos
- Ana María Pérez as María Ruiz
- Sebastián Giraldo as Fernando “Nando” Henao Ruiz
- Daniel Mira as Martín Henao Ruiz
- Jim Muñoz as Fabián
- Carmenza Cossio
- Anderson Ballesteros as Óscar Vargas “Patoco”
- Verónica Orozco as Luz Arelys Henao Ruiz
- Santiago Alarcón as Wilfredo Hurtado
The Unbroken Voice season 2 expected storyline
The Unbroken Voice is the tale of a lady who, despite encountering discrimination in both her personal and professional life, overcame it, became a global sensation, and serves as an example to all women. A brand-new musical drama centers on the famed Colombian vocalist Arelys Henao. Despite the pervasive discrimination she encounters, Arelys, a young girl from a low-income household, is dedicated to pursue her dream of becoming a singer. If any potential announcements are made, we shall update this space!
The Unbroken Voice plot summary
Arelys sings to keep herself happy as she ages, which draws unwanted attention. She has a lovely voice. After an attempted sexual assault, Arelys’ father (Juan Sebastián Calero) sends her, her mother (Ana Maria Perez), and her siblings to live in a town, drastically altering their lives.
Where can I watch The Unbroken Voice?
All the episodes of The Unbroken Voice are available to watch on Netflix – happy watching!
Is The Unbroken Voice season 3 renewed?
No updates about The Unbroken Voice season 3 are available at the moment!
If we find more information about the series’ upcoming developments, we shall update this space – stay tuned!