Created by Chris Kelly alongside Sarah Schneider, “The Other Two” is an American comedy TV series that centers on the tale of two struggling Gen Y siblings who must deal with their younger brother’s overnight stardom. The series first season was launched on Comedy Central on January 24, 2019.
Probably the only comedy in which the storyline is inspired by Justin Bieber that gets sick as an outcome of consuming numerous eggs. The series stars Drew Tarver, Heléne Yorke, Case Walker, Ken Marino, and Molly Shannon.
Following the success of the first season, the series went on to release a second season, and fans have since then been earnestly awaiting the third season. So if you’re here to know more about the upcoming season, stay with us till the end as we have all the latest details.
The Other Two Season 3: Is it Renewed?
Yes, “The Other Two” has been officially renewed for a third installment by WarnerMedia streamer.
“[Showrunners] Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider have created a sharp and poignant family story that is willing to show its characters’ imperfections while making us laugh hysterically,” stated Suzanna Makkos, executive VP of original comedy and adult animation at HBO Max. “It has been a true joy to welcome them and the cast to HBO Max, and I look forward to keeping them on hold with Brooke for the many conference calls to come next season.”
“We are deeply sickened to see HBO Max throw their support behind a show with so many foot jokes, and absolutely thrilled that it’s ours,” showrunners Kelly and Schneider expressed in a statement. “To everyone who watched, texted, posted, told their friends to watch — thank you. It has been overwhelming in the best way to see our show resonate with so many people, and we are incredibly grateful to HBO Max for allowing us to spend another season with this amazing cast and crew.”
Release Date For Season 3 of The Other Two
Season One of “The Other Two” premiered on January 24, 2018. Season Two was released on August 26, 2021, and it looks like the much-anticipated third season is gearing up to return sometime soon although no official release date has been announced thus far. According to speculations, the third series will premiere towards the end of 2022, and if that’s what the network is aiming for then an announcement is expected very soon. But it’s most likely that the new season will be out only sometime in 2023.
The Cast of The Other Two Season 3
It is expected that all the main characters will reprise their roles in the forthcoming season including–
- Heléne Yorke in the role of Brooke Dubek, Drew Tarver will play the part of Cary Dubek, Case Walker will be back as Chase Dubek / ChaseDreams
- Ken Marino in the character of Streeter Peters
- Molly Shannon will return as Pat Dubek
Of course, new characters will also be introduced in the next season.
The Other Two Season 3 Plot
Plot details are scarce because the showmakers have not revealed anything regarding the upcoming season. But it is very much likely that in Season Three of “The Other Two” each central character will be explored and more laughter and surprising moments are to be expected.