The Curse of Oak Island is a multi-season TV reality series that premiered on January 5, 2014, on History Canada. The Curse of Oak Island franchise, “chronicles an eclectic team of treasure hunters and their search for legendary treasure on Oak Island, off the shore of Nova Scotia, Canada.” It is an American television production that premiered in Canada on the History network on January 6, 2014. Few groups of men go on missions to find artifacts and valuable assets on their journey.
It stars Matty Blake, Marty Lagina, Rick Lagina, Gary Drayton, Andrew Patrick Nelson, W.C. Jameson, Taffi Fisher, and John Mattera as the lead protagonists of the series.
The series is produced by Prometheus Entertainment.
Will there be The Curse of Oak Island Season 11?
The last season of The Curse of Oak Island i.e., the tenth season premiered on November 15, 2022. Season 10 of the series is still streaming on History Canada, the finale of the series is not released yet. Thus, without the completion of the tenth edition of the series, it would be of no use to expect the renewal of the eleventh edition. (November 2022)
The Curse of Oak Island Season 11 Cast
Below mentioned are the names of some previous seasons’ cast members who might be in the upcoming installment of the series.
- Matty Blake will play as the host Host
- Marty Lagina will play as himself
- Rick Lagina will play as himself
- Gary Drayton will play as Metal Detection Expert
- Andrew Patrick Nelson will play as himself
- Robert Westrick will play as himself
- W.C. Jameson will play as himself
- Taffi Fisher Abt will play as himself
- Gypsy Jewels will play as a Metal Detection Expert
- John Mattera will play as Treasure Hunter & Historian
- Tony Sampson as Diver
- Donald S. Frazier will play as himself
- Martin Nesvig will play as Professor of History: the University of Miami
- Robert C. Kreipke will play as Treasure Hunter
- Bradley Folsom will play as Prof. of History: Grayson College
- John de Bry will play as a Historical Archaeologist
- Josh Feldman will play as Treasure Hunter
- Melvin Abt
- Luke Clyburn
- Rebecca Simon
The Curse of Oak Island Season 11 Release date
So far, Prometheus Entertainment has not renewed the eleventh installment of The Curse of Oak Island. This is because the tenth season of the series is still streaming and it has not ended yet. However, we definitely expect it next season after the tenth season ends. If the series gets renewed, we foresee the second season to premiere eventually in 2023.
Now, the show’s release date will rely on how fast it ensures the renewal and how quickly it can begin production. The renewal is still pending. Thus, we can not give you an exact release date yet.
The Curse of Oak Island: Where To Watch?
The reality TV series, The Curse of Oak Island is available to watch on History Canada.
The Curse of Oak Island Season 11 Trailer
So far, the series status is yet to be authorized. Currently, it would be ironic to say the second season’s trailer was already out and streaming on Netflix. However, as soon as the trailer is out, we’ll update you guys. Stay in touch with us!
How many episodes could there be in season 11 of The Curse of Oak Island?
The previous season of The Curse of Oak Island had a total of 10 episodes. Thus, if the makers decide to follow a similar pattern, the 11th season may also comprise 10 episodes. However, there hasn’t been an official update yet.
The Curse of Oak Island season 11 plot: What to expect?
The Curse of Oak Island is an American documentary multi-season TV series. It highlights an eclectic team of treasure hunters and their discovery of the legendary treasure Oak Island. It is located off the shore of Nova Scotia, Canada.
The series is an American television production. It premiered in Canada on the History network on January 6, 2014. The show features what is known as the Oak Island mystery, showing efforts to search for historical artifacts and treasure.
What is The Curse of Oak Island about?
The Curse of Oak Island is a series that’s about a tree-covered island in the southern shore of Nova Scotia. The tree has the hunters intrigued for more than 200 years. Legends say that the island’s hiding the greatest treasures of all time – however, mysteriously enough, nobody has been able to uncover it.
Then comes the entry of the brothers from Michigan – Rick and Marty Laguna. They have brought the rights into the island and have taken it on their life’s mission to uncover whatever The Oak Island is hiding for centuries. The two Americans use modern technology to find the truth but little do they know that the search is both dangerous and expensive. People have lost all of their money during their venture or worse – died. The Laginas hope to uncover the truth and discover the legendary treasure with sophisticated machinery.
Has The Curse of Oak Island season 11 canceled?
As of January 2023, the series The Curse of Oak ISland is yet to be renewed for season 11. However, that doesn’t imply the series has been canceled. The makers, as of right now, haven’t officially greenlit the series for the next installment, we expect the renewal announcements to be made soon. If anything potential comes out, we will update this space. Until then, stay connected with us!
Where to watch The Curse of Oak Island?
All the episodes of The Curse of Oak Island are available to watch and stream on Hulu.
Will there be a season 12 of The Curse of Oak Island?
As of yet, season 11 of the series is yet to premiere. Hence, there are no updates about The Curse of Oak Island season 12!
The Curse of Oak Island Season 11: Is it Happening?
Fans of this show have been anxiously awaiting the return of Oak Island season 11 ever since the last season finished airing. But to this day, there has been no formal declaration concerning the confirmation of the new season. To put it, it’s been about five months since the tenth season of The Curse of Oak Island premiered and to think that there have been no updates till now raises questions on whether or not a new season will happen. Given the popularity of the show, there’s a high chance that an eleventh session will happen at some point. Also, the reason why there are no updates could be that the makers are currently on a break or might be secretly filming for the next outing.