This upcoming biopic centered around a significant incident in Anna Nicole Smith’s life is set to star none other than Hollywood’s Sylvia Hoeks and Holly Hunter. ‘Hurricanna’ as the film is titled, will feature the last days of Anna Nicole Smith, an American model and actress in which her psychiatrist Khristine Eroshevich supposedly had a role to play. ‘Hurricanna’ is set to be directed by Francesca Gregorini, an established Italian-American filmmaker, who has directed ‘The Truth About Emanuel’, ‘Your Voice In My Head’, ‘See Jane Run’ and many more.
Sylvia Hoeks is a popular actress known for her roles in movies, ‘Blade Runner 2049’, ‘Renegades’, ‘Plan A’ and ‘The Girl in the Spider’s Web’. She is also a former model, having worked with Elle Girl among others. Holly Hunter is an Academy Award Winner, known for her character portrayals in movies including, ‘The Piano’, ‘The Incredibles’ film series, ‘The Big Sick’ and more. She is also a recipient of an Oscar. Joining Sylvia Hoeks and Holly Hunter in the cast is Jamie Bell a well known actor/ dancer, who is popular for his films, ‘Fantastic Four’, ‘Skin’ and ‘The Adventures of Tintin’ wherein he played the role of Tintin.
Anna Nicole Smith and Khristine Eroshevich
Anna Nicole Smith began her career as a Playboy magazine model which was followed by several modelling contracts with established brands and acting. She was supposedly found dead from an accidental drug overdose on February 8, 2007. Investigations tied the drug prescriptions to her then psychiatrist Khristine Eroshevich. Khristine Eroshevich and Howard K. Stern were found guilty in some charges.
The upcoming Biopic will explore the incidents that led to the popular star’s death and how Khristine Eroshevich unknowingly delivers the fatal blow. With an approved SAG-AFTRA Interim Agreement, the film is reportedly undergoing its casting and is supposedly going to commence its production this fall.
The Crew
Producers Rory Koslow (Well Told Productions), Cassian Elwes (co-producer of films such as ‘Mudbound’, ‘Best Sellers’ and ‘The Con Is On’) and Jere Hausfater (known for ‘Machete Kills’ and ‘Mom and Dad’) will be joining the writers/ producers Rachel Sarnoff and Matt Sarnoff in forming the production team. Well Told Entertainment describes the upcoming feature film as an intense film that progresses with a hurricane-like force.
Though the cast list for the film is yet to be finalized, Holly Hunter will most likely star as Khristine Eroshevich who will be the primary character in the film. The film will most likely provide new insights insights into Anna Nicole Smith’s suspicious death which might perhaps bring the needed conclusion to the incident.