The American crime dramedy TV series was conceived by Jenna Bans which was launched on February 26, 2018, on NBC. It stars Christina Hendricks, Retta, Mae Whitman, Reno Wilson, Manny Montana, Lidya Jewett, Isaiah Stannard, and Matthew Lillard. The program is executively produced by Dean Parisot, Bans, and Jeannine Renshaw for Universal Television.
Over time Good Girls had proven to be a good show for pulling off a humorous storyline and gained a huge fan following, however, critics’ reviews are mixed as according to them the show’s performance is quite average and dull. Nevertheless, fans loved the show and look forward to the next chapter. But the question that everyone wants to know is, will Good Girls return for a fifth season? Has it been renewed? Find out below.
Good Girls Season 5: Is It Renewed?
Unfortunately, the program was officially canceled in June 2021 after airing for four seasons.
The series was initially planned for a shorter episodic fifth season but that plan never came through. Moreover, it was supposed to be the final season but has been canceled ever since then. The showrunners have also confirmed that the series’ fifth season won’t be happening and that the fourth season was the final outing of the series.
Why the 5th Season of Good Girls Got Cancelled?
Originally NBC and Universal Studios the main producers of the series wished to wrap the show with a brief and ultimate fifth season but the funding caused a major problem and it didn’t work out. The specific reasons are still unknown. We assume that it has to do with the decline of ratings and viewership of the program. Although the fourth season received a much better rating compared to the previous three seasons.
As per speculations, the budgetary issues and disagreements between the two major lead actors Manny Montana (Rio) and Christina Hendricks (Beth) led to the cancellation of the series; this has not been confirmed but either of the actors.
How Many Episodes Are There In Season 4 of Good Girls?
Season 4 introduced the audience with a total of 16 episodes. The list of episodes are:
- Episode 1: One Night in Bangkok
- Episode 2: Big Kahuna
- Episode 3:Fall Guy
- Episode 4: Dave
- Episode 5: The Banker
- Episode 6: Grandma Loves Grisham
- Episode 7: Carolyn with a Y
- Episode 8: Broken Toys
- Episode 9: Chef Boyardee
- Episode 10: Strong Hearts Strong Sales
- Episode 11: Put It All on Two
- Episode 12: Family First
- Episode 13: You
- Episode 14: Thank You for Your Support
- Episode 15: We’re Even
- Episode 16: Nevada
The Cast of Good Girls
Here are the names of the talented actors that made the series worth watching throughout the four seasons.
- Christina Hendricks played Elizabeth “Beth” Boland
- Retta portrayed the role of Ruby Hill
- Mae Whitman played the character of Annie Marks
- Reno Wilson played the role of Stanley Hill
- Manny Montana portrayed the character of Christopher or Rio
- Lidya Jewett played the character of Sara Hill
- Isaiah Stannard played Ben Marks
- Matthew Lillard portrayed Dean Boland
Where To Watch ‘Good Girls’ Series?
The entire episodes of all four seasons of Good Girls are available for streaming on Netflix.