Conceived, directed, executive-produced, and penned by Tyler Perry, ‘Ruthless’ is an American horror drama series that is a spinoff of “The Oval.” The twenty-four-episode first season was launched on BET+ on March 19, 2020.
According to IMBd, the Ruthless synopsis states: “This spinoff of “The Oval” follows Ruth Truesdale as she is forced to play nice with a scandalous, religious cult of powerful, sex-crazed fanatics in the hope of freeing herself and her daughter.”
“What I enjoy about Ruth is that she is a complicated character. You don’t know what you’re going to get from her and somebody who really has to come up with a strategy because we’re in a real-life, modern-day cult here,” describes Melissa in one of her interviews who plays the protagonist Ruth. “You can’t just walk out the gate. So she has to come up with some type of plan. And what I like in the seasons to come and in this season, specifically, is the strength that she is displaying and kind of turning the tables when it comes to power. The first season, you saw the horrible things that happened to her character and other characters as well. Women were being treated in a very demeaning, horrible way, which they still are. But now it’s like there’s some type of leverage that Ruth has gained.”
The series has so far launched a total of three seasons and has also captivated a huge cult following. Although the 3rd season just wrapped recently, fans have been wondering if there’ll be a fourth season and when the season will be out. Here’s what we know.
Ruthless Season 4 Release Date: When is it?
As per inner sources, season 4 of Ruthless has been commissioned and is scheduled to premiere somewhere in March 2023.
The first season of Ruthless premiered on March 19, 2020. The second season came out on March 11, 2021. The third season was released on March 10, 2022.
The Cast of Ruthless Season 4: Who Will Return in Ruthless Season 4?
The central role is portrayed by Melissa Williams, an ace of “The Oval” and she is expected to return in the fourth season. As for the other characters, it has yet to be confirmed but for now, we have made the following list of the names who are likely to be in the upcoming season.
- Melissa L. Williams in the role of Ruth Truesdale
- Lenny Thomas will be seeing playing as Dukhan
- Yvonne Senat Jones will play the character of Tally
- David Alan Madrick will portray the role of Jay
- Baadja-Lyne Odums in the character of Marva
- Jaime M. Callica will be seen portraying as Brian Rollins
- Narine S. Brown in the role of Lynn
- Blue Kimble will be playing Andrew
- Stephanie Charles will be seen portraying Sarah
Ruthless Season 4 Plot: What to Expect?
It’s not figured out what the next season’s plot would be. But as witnessed in the third season which was very intense compared to the previous two seasons, we expect that the upcoming season 4 will have a similar concept with even more twists and murders.
Stay tuned!