Featuring the iconic life of Muhammad Ali, this upcoming series is predicted to focus on the distinct and defining moments in the legend’s journey. Titled as, ‘Excellence: 8 Fights’ the upcoming project will be developed under Revelations Entertainment, a production company founded by Morgan Freeman, alongside CBS Studios and Universal Content Productions. Muhammad Ali is regarded as one the most fearless and professional boxers in history and was a true icon. With a thriving career spanning over 2 decades, Muhammad Ali’s story is one that needs to be told and this upcoming series will potentially do justice to his career with its unique mode of narration. Each of the episodes of ‘Excellence: 8 Fights’ will be framed by one popular fight from Ali’s life, all the while maintaining the essence of each episode which will be the focus on the internal fight in his life, the drama outside the ring. ‘Excellence: 8 Fights’ will explore the struggle that the legend incurred with aspects regarding the heart and mind as he turns into the most consequential and controversial figures of the 20th century.
Meet the Crew for ‘Excellence: 8 Fights’
Not much has been made public regarding the cast and crew for the upcoming series. However, our sources suggest that Morgan Freeman, Lori McCreary, Regé-Jean Page, Emily Brown and Jonathan Eig will be heading the production for ‘Excellence: 8 Fights’. Morgan Freeman is an established actor and the recipient of numerous accolades. His works include, ‘Invictus’ which premiered in 2009, ‘The Magic of Belle Isle’ a western comedy, ‘Ruth and Alex’ which was directed by Richard Loncraine and ‘Thick as Thieves’ which premiered in 2009 all of which are Revelations Entertainment productions. Lori McCreary is the CEO and the co- founder of the production company Revelations Entertainment and is a known producer. Regé-Jean Page is a popular actor who is primarily known for his roles as Simon Basset in ‘Bridgerton’, ‘Xenk’ in ‘Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves’ and more. His other works include, ‘The Gray Man’ which premiered in 2022, ‘Mortal Engines’ a sci-fi action film, ‘Sylvie’s Love’ which was directed by Eugene Ashe and more. Emily Brown is primarily known as an actress and her works include, ‘Vagabond’ which premiered in 2015 and ‘Lucky’ an action crime film, to name a few. Jonathan Eig is primarily known as an author and his works include, ‘Ali: A Life’ which is based on Muhammad Ali’s life, ‘Luckiest Man: The Life and Death of Lou Gehrig’, ‘The Birth of the Pill: How Four Crusaders Reinvented Sex and Launched a Revolution’ and more.
The upcoming project will be a limited series which will premiere in Peacock.