Re-Main follows the story of a water polo prodigy, Minato Kiyomizu, who has lost his childhood memories and most importantly, the skills that made him a sports star. The anime series depicts the journey of Minato’s struggle to return to his passion, water polo against all odds and working hard to gain what he had lost, his sports excellence. Re-Main was first introduced to the audiences in July 2021 and became a smash hit among the fans. The 12-episode long season conveyed a message to the viewers that if you truly want something, there is nothing that can hold you back. Seeing the protagonist’s determination to go back to where he belonged in the difficult times has inspired numerous fans to listen to their hearts, no matter what.
Though it is quite early to clamor a season two of this sports anime, it is still disheartening that we have not heard any renewal news from the creators so far. That being said, fans are skeptical whether the anime will have a potential season two. At this moment, the future of the anime seems bleak in the absence of any solid details regarding Re-Main season two.
So, let us try to give you much-waited answers about Re-main’s return.
When will Re-main be released?
There is no definite release window for Re-main because the anime stands somewhere in the mid between cancelation and renewal. The fact that the creators are indecisive about its second part, clearly indicates that they have no plans to produce further episodes for some time. But they have not acknowledged the same yet giving us some hope to hold on to.
With that, we speculate that the anime may hit our screens in 2023 or perhaps 2024 given it gets confirmed officially by 2022 end.
Is Re-Main season 2 happening in 2023-24?
The Re-Main Season 2 cast and crew have not announced anything regarding its renewal as of this writing. The MAPPA-produced anime broadcast on TV Asahi from July 3 to September 24, 2021. Masafumi Nishida directed and Akiyuki Shinbo wrote.
Re-Main follows Minato Kiyomizu, a former water polo prodigy who drowns and loses his memory. He is invited to join a new high school water polo team and must rediscover his enthusiasm for the sport while remembering his past. Charming story, animation, and characters earned the anime accolades. It was also criticized for its slow pace and lack of innovation.
Despite criticism, Re-Main is a popular anime. A huge and engaged fan base wants a second season. However, the cast and creators have not announced a second season. I’ll keep you informed regarding any updates; please stay connected until then!
Where to watch Re-Main?
Re-Main is available to watch on these streaming services: Crunchyroll, Funimation, Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV
Some may find Re-Main worth watching, but it’s a well-made anime with a great cast and a touching tale. Fans of sports anime, coming-of-age storylines, and positive messages should watch it. I suggest watching the first few episodes to decide if you like Re-Main.
For those of you who have not watched this sports anime yet, you still got ample time to catch up with its prior episodes. You can watch it on Crunchyroll or Funimation anytime from the comfort of your space.
What could you expect from Season 2 of Re-main?
In the closing scenes of season one, we saw that Minato and his new water polo team are dedicated and passionate but lack the skills to win the game. Predictably, the second part will witness Minato rising as a champion again after the misfortune incident that brought his world to a standstill. It will be deeply satisfying to watch our favorites sweating, grinding, and competing for water polo championships against different teams.
Given that anime does not draw its material content from manga or published works, making possible predictions about its plotline becomes even more challenging. Nonetheless, it will be a delight to see the anime run for another season.
Re-main Season two’s cast and characters
With no cast information available, we leave it to our readers to guess which voice artist or character will be making a comeback.
Re-main season two trailer: Is there any trailer available for Re-main 2?
A trailer for Re-main season two will give us a glimpse of what surprises await us in the next season. However, disappointingly, we have no shared trailer teaser for the much-anticipated anime series at this point.
Which animation studio produced Re-main?
Mappa is the animation house behind Re-main. It is widely known for its exemplary visual effects and animation style and Re-main is just another of its works that showcase its flawless animation.
We shall update this blog as soon as more solid details pour in. Until then, keep checking this page for more.