Lost in Space is a sci-fi American television series. It is a reboot of the 1960s series of the exact title. The show has two seasons so far, the first season premiered on April 13, 2018, followed by the second season which premiered on December 24, 2019— a Christmas Eve release. The story revolves around the Robinson family and their thrilling space expeditions until the family encountered dangers and have to fight them off to survive.
Now that season 1 & season 2 is done and over with, fans of the show have been curious to know what awaits for them. Well, we have news to share. It was announced that Netflix is finally gearing up for the post-production and the release of the third and final outing of the Lost in Space series. To know more about the upcoming season, read the post till the end.
Release Date of Lost in Space Season 3: When is it?
Ever since the emergence of the coronavirus, many shows have been badly affected and Lost in Space is among one of these shows. Filming for season 3 began in September 2020 after being delayed by the ongoing pandemic. However, on January 12, 2021, it was announced that the production has officially wrapped.
As for the release date for season 3, Netflix hasn’t provided any specific release date for the upcoming and final season of Lost in Space, but we can expect a release by the end of this year, possibly a holiday release if not by early 2022.
If you look at the timeline, it’s almost 2 years since the release of the second season and fans who have binge-watched all the season’s episodes are highly anticipating the last and final season of the series. But we hope that Netflix reveals the release date for season 3 of Lost in Space as soon as possible.
The Cast of Lost in Space Season 3: Who’s in it?
The showmakers have not made any official announcements nor made any confirmation about the cast members. So we have no clue who is returning and who is not or if they added new characters. But we do know for sure that the main characters of the show are coming back to reprise their roles. The names include:
-John Robinson played by Toby Stephens
-Maureen Robinson played by Molly Parker
-Will Robinson played by Maxwell Jenkins
-Judy Robinson played by Taylor Russell
-Penny Robinson played by Mina Sundwall
-The Robot played by Brian Steele
-June Harris/ Dr. Smith played by Parker Posey
-Don West played by Ignacio Serricchio
Plot of Season 3 Lost In Space
We expect the plot for season 3 to continue the story where the second season left off as there are so many questions to be answered as to what we have seen in the previous season. Will the Robinson family reunite and make it to safety? Also, we can expect a clear explanation of the robotic aliens in space. Hopefully, season 3 will do just that and answer our questions.
And of course, we expect to see more fun-filled and thrilling adventures in season 3 of Lost in Space.