“Friday Night Tykes” is a reality sports documentary TV series that was first launched on January 14, 2014, on the Esquire Network. The series is being produced under the production companies of 441 Productions, Texas Crew Productions (TCP) and Electro-Fish Films. “Friday Night Tykes” spawned for four seasons. The rights were passed on to USA Network after June 2017 upon the dismissal of Esquire Network. The whole series is also licensed to Peacock network.
With Morgan Spector as the narrator, the sports docu-series provides an insight into the lives of kids who’re just about eight years of age and play in the American Texas Youth Football Association which is perhaps one of the biggest independent youth football leagues which equips the younglings with the essential rules of the game.
So if you’re here, it means that you’re wondering whether or not the show has any chance of coming back with another season since the last episode arrived on the screens about five years back. Here’s what we know about Season 5 of Friday Night Tykes.
When is Friday Night Tykes Season 5 Releasing?: Renewed or Canceled?
The sports docu-series ran for four seasons. The first season of Friday Night Tykes was released on January 14, 2014. The second season premiered on January 20, 2015. The third season was launched on January 19, 2016. The fourth season came out on January 17, 2017, on Esquire Network, and completed its ten-episode series on March 21, 2017. Sadly, the program was not greenlit by the network following the completion of the fourth season. Nonetheless, it seems there is more going on behind the show’s cancellation than just its declining ratings.
Esquire Network, which is the home for the show, discontinued functions not too long after the 4th season of ‘‘Friday Night Tykes’’ began airing. With a considerable loss of 25 percent subscribers (a huge fall from 60 million subscribers to just 45 million) in a crucially competitive setting for programmers, the network was barely hanging on by a thin thread. The final decision that put a stop to the cable channel’s function was due to a scarcity of future consumers that could rebrand it at that point.
Briefly after the network’s dismissal, the program’s privileges were passed on to USA Network. The show generated another spin-off entitled ‘‘Friday Night Tykes: Steel Country’’ that veers around its focus on the Beaver County Youth Football Association in an entirely new terrain of Pennsylvania. The latter even received an Emmy nomination for the category of Outstanding Serialized Sports Documentary.
Unfortunately, as of October 2022, ‘‘Friday Night Tykes Season Five stands axed. Nevertheless, the whole series is now authorized by Netflix so fans of this show can take pleasure in reruns of their most favored program. And if we’re lucky, the streaming giant might take the wheel concerning the program’s possible renewal. But for now we can only be hopeful.
“Friday Night Tykes” was executive produced by David Karabinas, Matt Maranz, Jason Sciavicco, and Jake Laufer while Laura Casey served as producer. The reality sports show was distributed by NBCUniversal Television Distribution.