This upcoming sci-fi adventure film is titled ‘Budtenders’ and will follow four women as they struggles to stay alive when an apocalypse strikes. Among the supposed cast members for the film is Jeremy London, Debra Lamb and Patrick Askin among others. With more that 2 decades of experience in the film and television industry, Jeremy London is a known actor who is primarily known for his work in ‘I’ll Fly Away’ a drama themed series, ‘The Dreamfactory’ which premiered in 2020 as a miniseries, ‘Wasted Hours’ in which he played the role of ‘Dr. Holmes’ and more.
Jean Heathen to Direct ‘Budtenders’
Jean Heathen is mainly known as an actress and has primarily starred in horror and action themed films. The upcoming project is seemingly her directorial debut. There are also rumors of Jean Heathen taking up another project titled ‘The Smile Maker’. As of now, ‘Budtenders’ is in its pre- production stage and is predicted to commence its filming soon. Though not much is known regarding the detailed plot of the upcoming project, there is a good chance that it will have certain plant-like elements as its title indicates. The rumored writers for the upcoming film include Mistress Harley, Maggie Tiffany and Mikey Tiffany. In addition to joining the crew for ‘Budtenders’ as its co- writer, Mistress Harley will seemingly also star in the film in the role of ‘Harley Spatz’
For the upcoming project, Jeremy London will most likely don the role of ‘Bob Spatz’ while Debra Lamb and Patrick Askin will potentially take on the role of ‘Abigail’ and ‘Phineas’, respectively. Other supposed cast additions for ‘Budtenders’ are Aric Diamani, Ariana Fox, Candice Callins and Mercedes Peterson. The film will reportedly be taken up by companies RM Entertainment Channel for Roku, The Golden Angel Films and Time Girl Multimedia Productions.