Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash is originally a Japanese light novel series penned by Ao Jūmonji and characterized by Eiri Shirai. Following the popularity of the light novel series, the novels were then adapted into an anime tv series that was released in January 2016.
The tale revolves around a company of people who unexpectedly discover themselves in another world with no recollections of when and why they arrived in that world and highlights their hardships to survive and stay alive by being volunteer soldiers.
When the anime was released, it became so popular among anime fans and was deemed one of the best isekai anime according to those who have watched the series. Fans have since been patiently waiting for the anime series to return with a second season for the past seven years but till today, season 2 of Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash has not been released. This makes the fans question whether or not they will ever get to see a new season. We’ll have to find out the details below.
Is Season 2 of Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Renewed?
As of now, the anime series has not been renewed for a second season. It’s been several years since fans of Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash have been waiting for season 2 but till now studio A-1 Pictures have not given any update. The first season was received with favorable responses and despite all the success it gained, a second season is still nowhere to be found. At this point, we’re unsure if the anime series will even be back as it has been many years since the release of the first season.
Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Season 2 Release Date
Because the series has not been renewed for a second season, it’s unknown if Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash will even have a new season. The first season was launched on January 11, 2016, and concluded on March 28, 2016, and consisted of 12 episodes in total. Now there is no renewal announcement or any sort of update but fans are still hoping for the best.
The Cast of Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Season 2: Who Will Return?
Here are the names of the characters and the voice casts who are expected to return if a second season of Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash is renewed.
- Haruhiro will be voiced by Yoshimasa Hosaya (Japanese) and Ricco Fajardo (English)
- Ranta will be voiced by Hiroyuki Yoshino (Japanese) and Orion Pitts (English)
- Moguzo will be voiced by Fukushi Ochaia (Japanese) and Jarrod Greene (English).
- Yume will be voiced by Mikako Komatsu (Japanese) and Jeannie Tirado (English).
- Shihoru will be voiced by Haruka Terui (Japanese) and Sarah Wiedenheft (English)
- Mary will be voiced by Chika Anzai (Japanese) and Jad Saxton (English)
- Mary will be voiced by Chika Anzai (Japanese) and Jad Saxton (English)
- Kazuka
What to Expect From Season 2 of Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash?
According to the light novel, fans can expect to see the same events of how the party landed on Grimgar. The story will revolve around the lives of the party and how each day they have to go through hardships just to survive. We will also get to see the backstory of Manato and some of the other characters as well. You can read the light novel if you haven’t. The light novel has 19 volumes.