Megalobox is a popular Japanese anime television series penned by Katsuhiko Manabe and Kensaku Kojima and helmed by Yō Moriyama. The series is being produced and animated by TMS Entertainment and its subordinate 3xCube. Megalobox was developed in remembrance of the fiftieth anniversary of the boxing manga “Ashita no Joe”. The story takes place in late twenty-first century Japan where fighters sport exoskeletons to combat, it concentrates on an underground boxer merely known by his other name Jung Dog, who chooses to join a boxing tournament called Megalonia, to overthrow the reigning champion, Yuri.
The anime series was circulated in Japan from the 6th of April to the 29th of June 2018 and was simultaneously aired on Crunchyroll. The Megalobox anime series was authorized by Viz Media for an English language discharge and commenced circulating on Adult Swim’s Toonami programming block in the US in December 2018. The series has so far released a total of two seasons and it’s been two years since the previous season came out. Fans are anxious if the anime series is over or will be back with another season. To fill you in with the deets, we have compiled all the information that is to know.
Is Megalobox Renewed For Season 2?
As of March 2023, there has been no official announcement when it comes to the second season of Megalobox. So it is not known if the anime series will be back sometime in the future. Moreover, the manga adaptation was completed in 2018, and with the release of the second season, it is clear that there likely won’t be a third season. Megalobox started purely as a show and hence, it might take some time to make another season or the anime series might be on hiatus. So it will take time for the makers to come up with a new storyline or the worst part is season 2 could probably be the last.
Megalobox Season 3 Release Date: When is it?
The first season of Megalobox was launched on April 6, 2018, and ended on June 29, 2018. It consisted of 13 episodes. The second season was released on April 4, 2021, and ended on June 27, 2021. It consisted of 13 episodes.
While many fans are looking forward to the third season, the chances of the anime series returning are bleak as it stands. However, fans are advised to stay positive as there have been no official announcements so far.
If the series does indeed get a third season, we can expect to witness the new episodes sometime in 2023 or 2024 at the earliest.
The Cast of Megalobox Season 3
Here are the names of the entire cast who are expected to reprise their roles if a third season is created:
- Gearless Joe/ Junk Dog will be by Yoshimasa Hosaya (Japanese) and Kaiji Tang (English)
- Gansaku Nanbu will be voiced by Shiro Saito (Japanese) and Jason Marnocha (English)
- Yuri will be voiced by Hiroki Yasumoto (Japanese) and Lex Lang (English)
- Sachio is voiced by Michiyo Murase (Japanese) and Erica Mendez (English)
- Yukiko Shirato is being voiced by Nanoko Mori (Japanese) and Erika Harlacher (English)
- Fujimaki will be voiced by Hiroyuki Kinoshita (Japanese) and Jamieson Price (English)
- Tatsumi Leonard Aragaki will be voiced by Makoto Tamura (Japanese) and Greg Chun (English)
- Miyagi will be voiced by Yohei Tadano (Japanese) and Jake Eberle (English)
- Mikio Shirato is voiced by Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Japanese) and Robbie Daymond (English).
- Mac “The Hero” Rosario will be voiced by Atsushi Miyauchi
- Ryugo Sakuma will be voiced by Chikahiro Kobayashi
- Marla is being voiced by Farahnaz Nikray (Japanese) and Jalitza Delgado (English)
- Mio is voiced by Yumi Hino (Japanese) and Kevin Thelwell (English)
- Edison Liu will be voiced by Masaya Fukunishi
What is the Plot For Megalobox Season 3?
There are no plot details but if we get a season three, the fight adventures will continue and we will get to see more blood and action.