Conceived by Loren Bouchard, “Bob’s Burger” is an American animated TV sitcom that was launched on January 9, 2011, on the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series revolves around the Belcher family, Bob and Linda, and their three children, Tina, Gene, and Louise who operate a hamburger cafeteria and frequently go on adventures of multiple kinds. “Bob’s Burger” was created by Bouchard after he acquired Home Movies. This animated series is a production by 20th Television Animation and Bento Box Entertainment.
“Bob’s Burger” currently has a total of 12 seasons and an overall number of episodes of 238. A movie titled “The Bob’s Burgers Movie” was released on May 27, 2022. With the twelfth season that came out like a year ago, it’s no wonder why fans are awaiting the return of the new season and it looks like fans don’t have to wait that long. Here’s what we know about season 13 of Bob’s Burger.
Bob’s Burger Season 13 Release Date
The anticipated thirteenth season of Bob’s Burger is officially coming out on September 15, 2022. This animated sitcom is one of the most talked about shows and fans are overjoyed to learn that it won’t be long before they finally get to watch the new episodes.
The Cast of Bob’s Burgers Season 13
The official cast line is not revealed yet but it is expected that all the main characters will return in the upcoming 13th season of Bob’s Burgers. The names are–
- Bob Belcher will be voicing H. Jon Benjamin
- Linda Belcher will voiced by John Roberts
- Tina Belcher will be voiced by Dan Mintz)
- Gene Belcher will be voiced by Eugene Mirman
- Louise Belcher will be voiced by Kristen Schaal
- Teddy will be voiced by Larry Murphy
Additionally, fans may also get to see some of the old characters returning in the recurring role though we do not know exactly who the characters can be.
The Plot of Bob’s Burger Season 13
Plot details for season 13 of Bob’s Burger are kept under wraps and therefore, not much is known when it comes to the upcoming season. Likewise, each new season introduces the viewers to a fresh concept and it can be expected the new season will once again focus on the lives of the Belcher family and their burger restaurant as they take on new challenges every day.
You can now watch all seasons of Bob’s Burger on Apple TV.