An American television sitcom ‘Young Rock’ based on the real-life events of actor, producer and retired wrestler Dwayne Johnson also known by his ring name The Rock debuted in February 2021. With a total of 11 episodes premiered on NBC through season 1, the sitcom recorded 3.6M views across all digital platforms over 60 days.
The show focuses on Johnson’s different chapters of his life from growing up with his family, his early life, teen years and more all joined together with a common thread of his identity as a whole. Johnson serves as narrator and executive producer on the series. After successfully gaining appreciation from the audience in season 1, co-created by Dwayne Johnson and Nahnatchka Khan, the series was renewed for season 2 in April 2021. Johnson announced the renewal via his Instagram post in which he congratulated the entire cast and crew members.
Release date
The second season of ‘Young Rock’ is said to have been renewed at the end of the first. Ranked as no. 2 new comedies of the season, the exact release date for its second season has not been announced yet but according to reports, we will see it appearing in early 2022.
Young Rock Season 2 Casts
The principal characters in the show are expected to continue with the same roles in season 2 with Adrian Groulx as Johnson at age 10, Bradley Constant during his teen years and Uli Latukefu will play Johnson from age 18 to 20 and Dwayne himself as the plot develops in his story. Stacey Leilua, Joseph Lee Anderson and Tulisia will comparatively return as Ata, Rocky and Lia independently. More characters who played key roles in Dwayne’s life and political figures for his upcoming plans are expected to be in the show.
What to expect from season 2?
Young Rock season 2 could show us more into the star’s life with him growing up to becoming The Rock as a WWE superstar and his entry into Hollywood. As season 1 left the audience anticipating more, the second season is expected to resolve the storyline giving hints on Dwayne running for the US presidential elections in 2032. Johnson has also previously teased about Senator Elizabeth Warren making a cameo in future when the plot starts revolving around political figures.
More than Dwayne Johnson’s fans, this show has been able to reach a wide range of audiences doesn’t come as a surprise keeping in mind the enormity of his reputation globally. The Rock himself was a huge inspiration as his on-screen presence continued to be an influential figure especially for people with a variety of age gaps. This sitcom has given more insight into his personal life, eventually making his connection with the fans stronger.
The perfect blend of production and real-life characters into one makes this series one of the most long-awaited. The storytelling of real-life events of The Rock literally presented to us, what more could we ask for!