Undercover Boss is an American reality-based TV series conceived by Stephen Lambert inspired by the British series of the exact name. The show is produced in many territories. The reality series was first launched on February 7, 2010, on the CBS network while the British and the original version premiered on June 15, 2009, on the British Channel 4.
The show’s set-up stars the events of veteran executives acting as undercover employees in their own firms to explore how their business functions and to observe how they can be enhanced and reward well-deserved employees.
The series was well received by the audience and critics alike and also achieved excellent ratings. Its premiere episode obtained a whopping 38.6 million watchers and received a 32% share. The first season of the series was the most outstanding new series in any category in 2009 to 2010 TV series with a fair number of viewers over 17.5 million watchers. Initially, the series was constructed in reaction to corporate disloyalty, as displayed in the opening of the first and second seasons.
With a considerable amount of fanbase of the reality series, fans have been eagerly waiting for the 12th season of Undercover Boss but what do we know about it? Here’s everything you need to know regarding Undercover Boss Season 12 release date, cast, and plot.
Is Undercover Boss Season 12 renewed?
As of now, CBS did not confirm the twelfth season of Undercover Boss. It’s not known if a new season will be renewed but given how many fans love this show, it’s likely that the hit reality series will be back with more new episodes.
Undercover Boss Season 12 Release Date: When is it?
Undercover Boss currently has 10 seasons in total with the eleventh season scheduled to release in early 2022. Meanwhile, nothing is known about the twelfth outing. To put it, fans are more interested and looking forward to the upcoming season rather than the much later twelfth season.
In May 2021, CBS renewed the series for its eleventh outing and the first episode is all set to air on January 7, 2022.
So as of now, the release date of Undercover Boss Season 12 is not scheduled yet since the series is still waiting to be renewed or cancelled.
The cast of Undercover Boss Season 12
Larry O’Donnell, president and chief operating officer of Waste Management Incorporations appeared on the show in its very first season. In the cycle of seasons, some other major companies were also featured, namely Direct TV, NASCAR, Great Wolf Lodge, Chiquita Brands International, and many more. The second season of the series opening featured the CEO of the Choice Hotels, Steve Joyce.
There is no regular cast of the series since each season introduces us to a new cast. The major cast keeps shifting while the narrator remains unchanged. We’re hoping Mark Keller will return as the announcer for the twelfth season of Undercover Boss.
As for the other casts, it’s been kept under wraps. We might have to wait for some time until the showrunners provide us with an update. However, we are delighted to see the leaders of various companies als featuring their own companies in Season 12 of Undercover Boss.
Undercover Boss Season 12 Plot: What is it about?
Plot details are not known but season 12 will likely follow the same concept as the previous seasons.
Each week, the reality series cast a new company. The boss or the leader of the firm disguises himself or herself using various makeup such as wigs, prosthetics to conceal their identity so that their employees won’t be able to recognize them as they enter as a beginner level employee.
They observe how the employees work and how the company regulates. There is also an award for the most hard-working employee, the boss reveals his/her identity and analyzes every employee’s performance. The employee that has been picked is rewarded a raise or some kind of other privileges.
As for the rest of the employees that weren’t picked, they are provided training, or in some cases, they are fired after a thorough examination. We’re quite hopeful that Undercover Boss Season 12 will follow the exact concept and we look forward to seeing new bosses fully undercover and investigating their own firms!