The Great British Bake Off season 13 is an upcoming British TV series. The show was previously directed by Andy Devonshire from 2010 to 2012, and Scott Tankard from 2012-2013. Devonshire is currently serving as the director from 2014.
Bake Off or simply GBBO is a baking competition series that is being produced by Love Productions. In the series, a bunch of novice bakers are introduced to various challenges where each competitor has to face it alone. The series has a weekly theme that is based on the variety of products baked, and contestants are provided with three challenges which they have to complete.
In addition to that, each week arrives the distribution of a new baked item, while eliminating a contestant if it doesn’t meet the criteria. In the finale episode, it displays the remarkable baking skills among the top three contestants as they battle for the ultimate title.
Bake off was first aired in August 2010 on BBC Two. The show later shifted to BBC One for the fifth, sixth, and seventh seasons after releasing the previous four seasons on BBC Two. The competition series is now home to Channel 4 which launched the eighth season and the following seasons as well. The show is widely popular and has a total of twelfth seasons so far. But what do we know about season 13 of GBBO? Here’s what we know:
The Great British Bake Off season 13 release date: When is it?
The twelfth season was released on September 21, 2021 and ended on November 23, 2021.
The release date for The Great British Bake Off season 13 is not out yet although the series was finally renewed for the thirteenth outing on November 2, 2021, which is scheduled to arrive sometime in 2022. Meanwhile, the exact date was not provided but we assume that the series will hit our screens by mid-2022 or late 2022 at the earliest.
The Great British Bake Off Season 13: Judges, hosts and participants
In season 12 of The Great British Bake Off, the series was presented by Noel Fielding and Matt Lucas who both are British Comedians and handled the show nearly with their smooth-talking mixed with a bit of humor. If you don’t know, Fielding and Lucas also previously appeared in the eleventh season and we can highly expect them to come back as hosts once again for the thirteenth season of The Great British Bake Off.
A distinguished British Chef and TV announcer Paul Hollywood served as a Judge on the first season of The Great British Bake Off. Until the seventh season, he joined British author and Chef Mary Berry before exiting from the show and later he was replaced by a British and South African Chef Prue Leith.
As of now, Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith are the present judges remaining whom they started judging together from the eight season. In the thirteenth season of The Great British Bake Off, fans can expect to see the dynamic duo of judges return to the panel as they take on the novice bakers. Additionally, each season introduces a group of beginner bakers striving to become the winner of the competition. Unfortunately, the list of the contestants is kept secret although we do know that like every season, the thirteenth season of The Great British Bake Off consists of 12 competitors eyeing for the prize.
How to watch The Great British Bake Off?
If you haven’t watch all the 12 seasons of The Great British Bake Off on Channel 4 and All4 streaming platform in the UK and for the US viewers, the show is available for streaming on Netflix. We’re not too sure if all the episodes of the previous seasons are available but as of now, you can watch the latest season which is the twelfth season on the giant streamer.