Tsugumomo is an English abbreviation of a Japanese manga series that debuted on April 5, 2020, and ran till June 21, 2020, on Animax, Tokyo MX, BS11, and BS Fuji. Written and illustrated by Yoshikazu Hamada, the series follows the storyline of – “Kazuya Kagami, an ordinary boy, finds his life turned upside down when his late mother’s obi transforms into a girl wearing a kimono named Kiriha.”
It stars Howard Wang, Sarah Wiedenheft, Megan Shipman, Sora Tokui, and Apphia Yu as the English voice-over artists.
The series is produced by Yuuichi Nakano, Toshiyuki Onuma, Taisuke Hashirayama, Gou Morita, Yukiya Sakikawa, Motohiro Oda, Shinji Horikiri, Fuminori Yamazaki, Katsunori Narumo, Eiji Masaka, and Yuuji Yoshida.
Will there be Tsugu Tsugumomo Season 3?
Animax, Tokyo MX, and BS11 as of May 2022, is yet to announce the renewal of the upcoming installment of Tsugu Tsugumomo. Also, there’s been no conclusive evidence of whether the series is under production or not. However, if all goes as prearranged and production begins this year. The series would positively be aired by the summer of early 2023.
"Tsugumomo" Season 2 (Tsugu Tsugumomo) – Teaser Visual!!
The anime is slated to premiere on April 2020 pic.twitter.com/7amUoP8AD6— Anime Trending (@AniTrendz) December 6, 2019
Tsugu Tsugumomo Season 3 Cast
So far, Animax and Tokyo MX have not confirmed the cast members for the upcoming season. However, after tons of research and leaks, we can conclude some cast to be seen again.
Here are they,
- Kazuya Kagami will be voiced by Howard Wang (English)
- Kiriha will be voiced by Sarah Wiedenheft
- Kyōka will be voiced by Sora Tokui
- Chisato Chikaishi will be voiced by Megan Shipman
- Kukuri (くくり) will be voiced by Apphia Yu
- Kokuyō (黒耀) will be voiced by Leah Clark
- Sunao Sumeragi will be voiced by Megan Emerick
- Kotetsu will be voiced by Orion Pitts
- Kasumi Kagami will be voiced by Jeannie Tirado
- Shirou Shiramine will be voiced by Kyle Igneczi (English)
- Tadataka Tadata will be voiced by Ryan Reynolds
- Akito Ashimine will be voiced by Shogo Sakata
- Arumi Ashimine will be voiced by Riho Sugiyama
- Mimane Miyou will be voiced by Mami Uchida
- Azami will be voiced by: Yūko Ōno
- Osamu Osanai will be voiced by Stephen Fu
- Kanaka Kagami will be voiced by Brittney Karbowski
- Kazuaki Kagami will be voiced by Sonny Strait
- Suzuri Sumeragi will be voiced by Hiromi Igarashi (Japanese); Morgan Garrett
- Taguri Kanayama will be voiced by Amber Lee Connors
Tsugu Tsugumomo Season 3 Release Date
No official date of release has been assigned by the makers to the upcoming installment of Tsugu Tsugumomo. This is because the renewal is not confirmed yet. All we can do for now is to wait for the makers to announce an update on the renewal.
Tsugu Tsugumomo: Where To Watch
You may watch the last two seasons and the upcoming installment of the series on Animax, Tokyo MX, BS11, and BS Fuji.
Tsugu Tsugumomo Season 3 Trailer
Since the renewal of Tsugu Tsugu Momo’s third season has not been announced by the makers, there’s no update on the trailer as well. Generally, the trailer comes out a month or two before the premiere date of the series. Thus, Animax will release the trailer of the series on time if it gets renewed.
Let’s just wait for the makers to release it. Meanwhile, you may watch the trailer for the first two seasons of Tsugu Tsugumomo.