Rosewood is an American medical drama series. It aired on FOX. The plot of the show is about a fictional town in Rosewood. It follows a private pathologist. He’s got ties to the police department that solves crimes. The pathologist’s name is Dr. Beaumont Rosewood.
He was suffering from dangerous heart disease. This condition is life-threatening and has drastically affected his life. Dennis was a professional thief during the day. But in his spare time, he would help detective Annalise Villa solve crimes. All the serial detectives, including Rosewood and Villa, started to get more involved with investigations that lead to a budding romance.
Rosewood season 1 wasn’t really well-received by the viewers. It didn’t impress the critics either. They labeled the show to be very repetitive and ordinary. Viewers complained that the show lacked a good buildup and was dull plot-wise. Despite all the critics, FOX TV renewed Rosewood for a second season in September 2016.
Unfortunately enough, the second season didn’t do well either. Some of the viewers were excited about the announcement but others weren’t happy as the storyline didn’t serve the purpose right. And so, on May 9, 2017, FOX canceled Rosewood season 3. That’s right, the series has been canceled and there won’t be a season 3. Here’s why…
Why was Rosewood season 3 cancelled?
Fox canceled the series on May 9, 2017. Now it’s been almost 5 years and there hasn’t been any news on the renewal of the show either. Fox endangered that season 3 is unlikely given a decrease in viewership.
Though the fan base of this drama is not large, some of the fans are still demanding the third season. Fans have also created an online petition to renew it for the third season. However, Fox has disregarded the demand thus far.
The show faced cancellation because of the lack of interest from its previous viewers and a decline in viewership. As of 2022, the series has officially been canceled. Check out the post below!
Is there any trailer for Rosewood season 3?
FOX has officially canceled the series. And so there’s no trailer for season 3. However, if it gets picked up by another station, you will see a trailer. We will update here once we find out anything more about that situation. Stay connected with us for more updates, until then!
Rosewood IMDb Ratings: Is the series worth watching?
The third season of this crime drama was canceled by Fox. The previous two seasons received a pretty average rating by the critics and viewers. It secured an imdb rating of 6.7 out of 10. However, if you’re into medical drama series, you may wanna give this one a try!
Where to watch the series Rosewood?
If you want to watch Rosewood, it is not on FOX. You can find it either through Amazon Prime Video or Netflix. Happy watching!
Will Rosewood season 4 happen?
No. Season 3 of the series has been cancelled. And so, there won’t be a Rosewood seawon 4!