Conceived by Jeremy Clarkson and Andy Wilman, Top Gear is a British automotive entertainment comedy sports reality television program launched on October 20, 2002, on BBC based on the 1977–2001 show of the exact title. The reality TV show concentrates on the assessment and reviewing of motor automobiles, mainly cars, though this was extended after the publication of its original series to combine movies featuring motoring-based tasks, special races, timed laps of outstanding cars, and celebs’ timed laps on a circuit specially-built for the revived programme.
The show was highly praised for its visual and showcasing style since its release, which concentrated on being typically engaging to spectators, and also earned criticisms over the contentious nature of its script. The programme was also applauded for its time-to-time controversial humor in not only the automotive society but in the form of funny memes. The series originally launched on BBC Two before moving to BBC One for its 29th season in 2020.
With a huge fan base from across the world, fans of this show are anxious to find out whether the series will be back with another season. Here’s what we know:
Top Gear Season 34 Filming Delayed
Filming for the series began towards the end of 2022, but as of March 2023, BBC has halted filming on season 34 of Top Gear due to Freddie Flintoff’s fatal accident.
Flintoff was carried to the hospital back in December 2022 after an on-set mishap at the test track in Dunsfold Park Aerodrome in Surrey. Following this, filming was postponed due to his condition.
After the accident took place over three months, BBC News stated that the show makers have agreed to postpone the whole series.
A rep for the BBC explained: “Under the circumstances, we feel it would be inappropriate to resume making series 34.”
The message proceeded: “We have sincerely apologized to Freddie and will continue to support him with his recovery.
“We understand this [halting the show] will be disappointing for fans, but it is the right thing to do, and we’ll make a judgment about how best to continue later this year.”
Top Gear Season 34 Release Date
As mentioned above, filming for the next season of Top Gear has been postponed. So currently, it is not known when filming will resume. If not for Flintoff’s accident, the automotive program would have arrived sometime this year but now fans would have to wait patiently until further notice.
Nevertheless, if we have to predict an air date, a 2024 release is highly likely.
The Cast of Top Gear Season 34
The presenters expected to return in the upcoming season includes Freddie Flintoff, Chris Harris and Paddy McGuinness.
What Can We Expect in Season 34 of Top Gear?
Nothing has been revealed concerning the plot details for the 34th season of Top Gear. But it is highly likely the show would once again follow the same concept similar to the last seasons. Hopefully, in the coming days, the show makers would share some details on the much-anticipated season 34. Till then, stay tuned for more information.