Conceived by Rowan Joffe, ‘Tin Star’ is a British thriller drama TV series that was launched on September 7, 2017. The series centers on Jim Worth (Tim Roth), a past detective who becomes a cop chief of a Canadian town in the Rock Towns. The series features Tim Roth, Genevieve O’Reilly, Abigail Lawrie, Oliver Coopersmith, and Christina Hendricks, Ian Puleston-Davies, Sarah Podemski, Ryan Kennedy, Lynda Boyd, Michelle Thrush, John Lynch, Anamaria Marinca, Jenessa Grant, and Nigel Bennett.
The thriller series has so far launched three seasons in total. The first season was released on Sky Atlantic and later it was made available to watch for International viewers on Amazon Video on September 29, 2017.
Here’s what we know about season 4 of Tin Star.
Will there be a Season 4 of Tin Star?
Sadly, there won’t be the fourth season of Tin Star as the showmakers officially announced that season 3 was the final outing of the show.
Talking about the series, lead actor of the show Tim Roth confessed: “I wasn’t looking for a TV show, really, I read a couple of scripts and I thought they were bonkers, and that immediately got my attention. Then it’s… where the f**k does this go?
“It was anarchic. The whole thing was very anarchic. It was just anarchy on the page. The minute I thought I knew what was going on, it was something different,” he added.
That point of anarchy kept up on the set, with the series creator demonstrating that Roth made up heavily the entire filming.
“Without doubt, many of the best moments you’ll see on-screen, particularly in Tim’s case, were moments that he ad-libbed. Tim brought a level of wit and comedy to it that was way beyond my ability as a screenwriter – and in fact, the story began to change and morph around the actors.”
Why was the Tin Star series Cancelled?
Despite the success of the show, Tin Star came to an end after the third season. However, it is not evident why the show has ended.
Rowan Joffe did reveal that he wrote the scripts for the first season, he never imagined or had any plans for the series to go on for more than one season.
Speaking about the ending to Tin Star, which has now become a trilogy, he stated: “It’s absolutely definitive!
“The nasty little mercantile spirit in me always wants to leave the door open, but actually the door is closed. That’s why the ending is so satisfying,” he added.
He continued: “We wanted each season to be uncompromising and for the end of season three to be the most uncompromising of all.”
Series executive producer Alison Jackson also disclosed: “One of the big challenges was trying to find a fitting ending that didn’t feel like we’d compromised, because those characters are so complex and unpredictable.”
Jackson revealed she and Joffé understood what the last minute of Tin Star was going to be like but getting there seemed to be a difficult task and was quite challenging.
She illustrated: “We wanted the Worths to face new challenges, not just be standing still and shooting people.
“Along with the physical journey, we wanted them to have a massive, riveting emotional journey.
“I feel very proud that we’ve achieved that – there’s a new level of emotional complexity in those three individuals and in the family unit.”
She continued: “I think there’s only ever a point in doing another series of anything if you think there’s more stuff to find out about the characters.”
With that said, it indicates that there is some hope for more from the show but at the moment, it appears that Tin Star has ended for good.