Directed and penned by Mitsuo Iso, “The Orbital Children” is a Japanese science fiction animated miniseries which was released in two parts. Part one of the film was launched on January 28, 2022, and the second part of the anime film premiered on Netflix on February 11th, 2022.
The character was designed by Kenichi Yoshida, who also served as the animation director while Toshiyuki Inoue designed the animation. The soundtrack was produced by Rei Ishizuka and Vicent Diamante was the composer of the theme song. This anime theme song was performed by none other than Harusaruhi, a virtual artist. It stars some of the talented Japanese voice artists including Natsumi Fujiwara, Azumi Waki, Kensho Ono and Chinatsu Akasaki. The story takes place in the year 2045, a near future.
What is it About?
The Orbitary Children revolves around two space-born children, Touya and Konoha, who are going through therapy on the space territory to adjust their bodies to defy an emigration to the gravity of the planet Earth. Touya and Konoha are joined by Mina, Taiyo, and Hiroshi, who are inhabitants from Earth to the moon, oblivious of the unexpected occurrences that await them. A comet crashes into a space station and leaves them with no connection with the oxygen supply out, and the children are separated from the adult staff, it’s a race against time. The children quickly take control of the initial process of the catastrophe utilizing the narrowband connections, restricted intelligence AGI, and mechanical aerial gadgets handled by dermal gadgets similar to mobile phones.
We did feel that from the beginning till the last of the anime series felt rushed because most of the interesting narratives had to be cut off and maybe this is the reason why fans still want to see more of the space adventure. Here’s what we know about Season 2 of The Orbital Children.
Will There Be a Season 2 of The Orbital Children?
After the premiere of the six-episode series, fans could only assume the likelihood of Touya, Konoha and their nakama (companions).
Because the series only has six episodes for many reasons, it was undeniably very short on time, and therefore, a whole lot of the scenes in the storyline were cut. To make it fit into the three-hour film length, the events before the happenings of Episode One and daily activities on the moon, to name a few were skipped, and various significant scenes, mainly at the final moments of the story, both descriptional and sectional, were skipped. Even though the story is finished, showrunner Mitsuo Iso revealed that if given an opportunity, he would like to publish the “director’s cut” version.
Nonetheless, there is no concrete information about a second season but chances are quite likely.
The Orbital Children Children Season 2: When is it?
As mentioned earlier, The Orbital Children was launched in two parts– Part 1 was published on January 28, 2022, and Part 2 onFebruary 11, 2022, on Netflix. As of August 2022, there has been no official word or update from the show makers. However, there’s a rumor circulating on the internet that the giant streamer is planning to make another season of The Orbital Children, nothing is confirmed so far but it is understandable if season 2 takes time to release because production usually takes longer for anime series. So if we have to predict an air date, the second season will be out somewhere in 2023 or in 2024.
Showrunner Iso showed interest in The Orbital Children Season 2: Will it return in 2023-24?
Directed and produced by Mitsuo Iso, The Orbital Children is a Japanese animated television program. Netflix split the series into two parts and published them in January and February 2022. The Orbital Children has garnered high praise for its animation, story, and characters. As a result, it has a devoted following and won the prestigious Best Sci-Fi Anime award at the 2022 Crunchyroll Anime Awards. The heart-pounding suspense and touching moments in the series have proven to be entertaining and financially successful.
In a recent interview, Iso expressed interest in a second season of The Orbital Children. He claimed to have many story ideas and would be delighted to implement them. As of this writing, the cast and creators of The Orbital Children have not made any announcements regarding the second season. It might be picked up for a second season or just be a one-off. Let’s see what happens next; only time will tell!
Fans can relive the excitement by watching the first season on Netflix! Keep your seatbelt on and follow along with us to be informed of all the most recent events and happenings!
The Voice Cast & Characters of The Orbital Children Season 2
If a 2nd Season of The Orbital Children returns, fans can expect to see their favorite main characters including–
- Touya Sagami will be voiced by Natsumi Fujiwara
- Azumi Waki in the voice of Konoha Nanase
- Taiyo Tsukuba will be voiced by Kensho Ono
- Mina Misasa will be voiced by Chinatsu Akasaki
- Yumiko Kobayashi in the voice of Hiroshi Tanegashima
- Nasa Houston will be voiced by Mariya Ise
- Mayor Sagami will be voiced by Matsuda Iso
The Orbital Children Season 2 Plot: What Can We Expect?
The exact plot details for the second season of The Orbital Children are not determined yet since it is not confirmed for now. However, if season two happens, the author himself has said that he would love to publish the “director’s cut” version if given a chance. So it’s likely that we’ll get to see the back story on Touya and Konoha before the events. It is also expected that it is going to be another space adventure packed with actions.
Stay tuned!
The Orbital Children Season 1 Recap
The story of The Orbital Children takes place in 2045, in space, where social networking sites, the internet, and artificial intelligence are pervasive. A terrible accident abandons some kids on a recently opened commercial space station with no chance of help from adults.
The only things that can save them are a social network, a drone controlled by the “Smart” device, a barely functioning narrowband, and low-level AI software. They employ AI and these tools to survive and discover the “true meaning” of historically terrible intelligent AIs. Can they survive in a situation like this or not?
Children who were born on the moon, Tuya, and Konoha, receive physical therapy on the Japanese space station Anshin in Part One in preparation for their return to Earth after being injured when the space station and a comet collided, along with other kids like Taiyo, Mina, and Hiroshi who are emigrating to space.
They want to leave the space station because they are separated from their elders, but the main obstacle is that oxygen and the internet are no longer available.
They run into various problems, such as decompression, EVA, and Micromachine malfunctions, sometimes in conflict with one another, other times supporting one another.
Production of The Orbital Children
The series’ production was announced on May 20, 2018, and began in full on October 27, 2020. According to investments from Avex Pictures, Asmik Ace, and others, the movie will be released in early 2022.
The project was initially entrusted to Signal.MD to handle the animation; however, production +h, a new studio created by former production I.G and Signal-MD producer Fuminori Honda, has subsequently taken over. The movie will be split into two parts, with the first premiering on January 28, 2022, and the second on February 11, 2022.