Anime has a separate fan following across the globe. The Ones Within, popularly known as Nakanohito Genome is an isekai anime that follows the story of missing teenagers in Japan. The first installment of the series made its debut in July 2019 and since then, fans are wondering whether there is more in store for them. Until the day, the creators and the studio are tight-lipped about a potential second season, however, we don’t see any reason why it will not happen soon. The anime has got solid character development and fascinating visual appeals, which has fetched it a mixed bag of reviews.
Many fans have found it similar to previous existing isekai anime with no fresh content. With all that in mind, we’re still keen to see the sequel to The Ones Within. In case you are as exciting as the anime as us, here is everything you need to know about the cast, plot, and airing date of The Ones Within Season two:
The ones Within Season two Release date: When will it get premiered?
To the dismay of fans, the studio has not announced the renewal news of The Ones Within season two. But given that the anime was well received by the fans and critics alike, a sequel is still a possibility. If the animation studio gives a green light to the anime by the e2021 end, our best guess is that the follow-up is likely to premiere in the last quarter of 2022 or perhaps sometime in 2023, at the earliest.
The Ones Within Season one is available to stream on Hulu and Crunchyroll. It runs for a total of eight episodes, giving multiple details in a short period. It is not certain as of now whether the sequel will stick to the same episode number or not. But as the renewal is officially out, we can tell more about the anime.
For a non-Japanese audience, the English dubbed version of The Ones Within is available on Funimation. You can catch up on the adventures of its first part anytime and anywhere.
The Ones Within Season two Plot: What to expect?
The Ones Within has an ordinary story with ordinary teenagers. It is based on a web manga series of the same name written by Ozora. So far, the manga comprises nine volumes with its last volume released in June 2019. The creators have seamlessly put together eight episodes in season one. Aside from the ninth volume, the mango creators are publishing two volumes every year, which implies that there is no dearth of material content for the follow-up. However, the second installment of THe Ones Within is still a long ways ahead.
The anime has an element of suspense, drama, and fantasy for its viewers. It focuses on the bizarre disappearances of young children in Japan. Even the law enforcement department fails to track down the kids or any clues that could lead them to the suspect. Akatsuki Iride takes up the center stage of the story and is widely known for putting out Let’s Play game videos. Iride’s life takes a dramatic turn when he starts playing “The Ones Within- Genome” and gets trapped in the unreal world. The male lead had heard several gossips surrounding the game and found it hard to believe any of them. In the fantasy world, Mike has an encounter with other missing teens, who tried playing the infamous game. To go back to the real world, every player has to confront their dark past and secrets, and together as a team, they have to attain their collective freedom.
With no official plot synopsis announced, it is tricky to predict what will follow after the events of season one of The Ones Within. But those who are eager to know the happenings of this anime grab the light novel series and satiate their curiosity. For those of us who are non-readers have to wait patiently for the sequel.
The Ones Within Season two Cast: Who is returning?
As of now, there is no information about the cast of The Ones Within Season two. With that said, fans could expect to see the primary characters returning to the follow-up and leading the story further. Season one of The Ones Within consists of eight main characters including Karin Sarayashiki, Kaikoku Onigasaki, Himiko Inaba, Anya Kudou, Yuzu Roromori, Zakuro Oshigiri and Makino Aikaw. While Akatsuki Iride is at the center of the story, and fighting off his inner demons along with the other eight facing their past.
It is safe to say that the original voice cast will make a comeback to The Ones Within Season two.
When is the airing date of the Trailer of The Ones Within Season two?
As specified earlier, the anime has not been ordered for a second part. So, a trailer of The Ones Within Season one will take some more time than expected.
Watch this space to get all the latest updates about your favorite television series, anime, and sitcoms. Also, do tell us your thoughts about a potential second part of The Ones Within. Should it be greenlit? Or the anime is likely to be canceled?