The Chosen Season 3 Release Date, Cast & Plot
Directed and created by Dallas Jenkins, The Chosen is a television drama series that follows the life story of Jesus Christ. It made its debut in December 2019 on an exclusive app, The Chosen: Jesus Christ Story, and VidAngel other than a host of streaming services. The series first part was the highest crowd-funded film project in the history of television. Like other series, The Chosen needs no renewal from streaming services or distribution networks. Yet it is largely based on crowd-funding. If you have finished watching The Chosen Season 2, you may be excited to know about the fate of this series.
Here’s everything to know from the release date, cast, and plot of The Chosen Season 3.
The Chosen Season 3: Release Date
Earlier, the show’s creator, Jenkins revealed his plans to broadcast the show for seven seasons. Thus, season 3 is not unlikely to happen. Jenkins added that he has finished up with the next chapter’s screenplay and his team is focussing on obtaining funds to get the show running. So, there is a possibility that the filming will begin in the fall of 2021. With all that said, it is a safe bet to say that the epic series will return by spring 2022.
The first two installments of the series are currently airing on the app and VidAngel. In case you have missed out on this one-of-a-kind multi-season series, you have a chance to watch it now.
The Chosen Season 3: Plot details
Season two of The Chosen centers around the establishment of Jesus’s Public Ministry and the transformations it brings to his personal life. A word is spread far off about his Public Ministry and his followers proliferate with time. While Jesus and his disciplines are engaged in the preparation of the sermon, Pharisees and Quintus are seeing Jesus as an impediment to the Great Roman Empire. Season three will focus on fresh stories about the life and miracles of Jesus Christ. Given that the previous seasons adhered to the Gospels, it is fair to assume that the next installment will be no different. Stay tuned for more updates.
The Chosen Season 3: Cast
We are expecting that if not all, most characters will return to the series. This consists of Shahar Isaac playing out the role of Simon, Jonathan Roumie reprising as Jesus, Elizabeth Tabish as Mary Magdalene, Paras Patel as Matthew, and Noah James as Andrew. Janis Dardaris (Zohara), Lara Silva (Eden), Shaan Sharma (Shmuel), Nick Shakoour (Zebedee), George Harrison Xanthis (John), and Vanessa Benavente (Mary) may also join the cast. Depending on the storyline, new characters might appear as well. However, there is no word about any new additions to the cast yet.
Watch this space for more. Stay up-to-date about the latest anime, series, and television shows with us. Have a great week ahead!
Check out the latest updates on The Chosen Season 4!