“The Challenge,” an American reality tournament show published for MTV that has launched two spin-offs of the channel’s reality shows such as, “The Real World” and “Road Rules.” Initially starring past contestants from the two aforementioned shows, partaking for “The Challenge” has gradually widened to comprise participants who previously appeared on the show itself.
The participants contend against each other in numerous risky challenges to prevent themselves from elimination. The victors of the last challenge succeed in the competition and earn a hefty amount. The Challenge is presented by T.J. Lavin.
The reality competition show aired on June 1, 1998. Its initial title was “Road Rules: All Stars” but was changed to “Real World or Road Rules Challenge” in the second season, then later shortened it to just “The Challenge” in the nineteenth season. Starting from the fourth season, every season of the show has been delivered with a different subtitle, known as Rivals. The show’s theme and format vary depending on which subtitle is picked.
As of now, the series has produced thirty-seven seasons in total and an overall 505 list of episodes. The latest season which is the thirty-seventh season titled “Spies, Lies & Allies,” aired on August 11, 2021, and wrapped its season on December 22, 2021. Let’s find out whether or not a thirty-eight season of “The Challenge” will happen any time soon.
The Cast of “The Challenge” Season 38: Who’s in it?
As per GQ, the MTV reality competition show thirty-seventh season comprised of participants from Big Brother, Love Island, Amazing Race and Survivor.
The host of “The Challenge” T.J. Alvin was previously a pro BMX rider and has been serving as a host for the past fifteen years, and we expect him to return in the thirty eight season as well.
T.J. Lavin recently told GQ that he drags himself “past the limit” because he is left with no choice but to do so. “This is where we were aiming to go. It’s OK to have a program that’s full of shows, on the other hand, are where it’s at right now.”
As for the cast, there are not many details on it but it will consist of a new batch of contestants.
As per the Reddit post, “The Challenge” spoiler specialist PinkRose has asserted that “Big Brother” cast Kyland Young will be partaking in the thirty eight season of the reality competition show, however, the show makers are yet to confirm about this.
“The Challenge” Season 38 Release Date: When Will It Premiere?
“The Challenge” is currently one of the longest-running shows on MTV and its popularity remains unshaken till now. It won’t be a surprise to know if the show decides to return with a new season.
Even more so, it’s a little too soon to be expecting an air date as we’re still waiting for a renewal announcement from the show makers.
Nonetheless, following the premiere dates of the past seasons, it is likely to make a few diligent guesses as to when the thirty eight season of “The Challenge” could arrive.
The thirty-sixth season of “The Challenge” aired on December 9, 2020, and concluded with its last episode on April 21, 2021. As per EW, MTV launched the cast of the thirty seventh season and air date in July, 2021, and the season commenced production in August 2021.
We expect the thirty-eight season of “The Challenge” to pursue the exact production pattern just as the last season. Fans should expect an update regarding this sooner or later, and it’s most probable that the anticipated new season should arrive in early or mid-2022, determining that there are no postponements in the production.
Nevertheless, there have been rumours circulating on Reddit that production for the next season won’t start until March this year, assuming that the air date could fall at a much later date if the rumours happens to be true.
“The Challenge” Season 38: What to Expect?
E! Online reported that each season of the show has a different theme, like “Rivals,” “War of the Worlds,” “The Inferno,” “Battle of the Sexes,” and so on. It’s an interesting way to help the viewers distinguish one season from the other.
Currently, it’s not known what the theme and format would be as it will determine based on the subtitle it picked.