Summer House is an American reality TV series that was launched on January 9, 2017, on Bravo. The series has produced a total of six seasons so far. The current season, which is the sixth season, premiered on January 17, 2022, and is ongoing and has launched three episodes with a couple more episodes still to be launched. The reality series is executively produced by Steven Weinstock, Glenda Hersh, Lauren Eskelin, Jamie Jakimo, Trish Gold, Maggie Langtry, Matt Odgers, Scott Teti, and Sean Clifford.
The popular reality series revolves around a group of nine playmates who lives under the same roof known as the summer house located in Montauk, “a breezy beach town on the easternmost point of Long Island, which has become the summer playground for young professionals who want to escape the hustle and bustle of city life”. The nine playmates featured on the first season of Summer House consisted of Kyle Cooke, Lindsay Hubbard, Cristina Gibson, Stephen McGee, Jaclyn Shuman, Carl Radke, Everett Weston, Lauren Wirkus, and Ashley Wirkus.
Back in December 2021, the sixth season was announced with the official cast members consisting of Kyle Crooke, Lindsay Hubbard, Carl Radke, Amanda Batula, Paige Desorbo, Danielle Olivera, Luke Gulbranson, and along with Ciara Miller returning as well. New faces were also introduced which included Andrea Denver (Winter House), Mya Allen, and Alex Wach. Guest appearances are Austen Kroll (Winter House) and Craig Conover (Southern Charm).
You can watch the sixth season on Bravo which launches a new episode every Monday at 9:00 PM ET/6:00 PM PT. Even though the sixth season is still airing, fans are already curious to know about the possible upcoming seventh season and here’s what we know about it.
Can we expect a Winter House crossover in the upcoming seventh season?
Star Craig Conover teased that the Winter House drama would probably overflow into the upcoming seasons of “Southern Charm” and “Summer House.” “What’s fun is that you have Winter House, you have Summer House and then you have Southern Charm,” Conover informed Us Weekly back in October 2021. “So, it’s a little nerve-wracking, but I’m also really excited to be back with everyone. You’ll see our dynamics from Winter House then carry into this summer and who knows how that’s going to go.” What do you think? It’s exciting, right? We bet it is.
Is Season 7 of Summer House renewed?
As of now, Bravo is yet to renew the show for a seventh season. It might take a while for Bravo to make a renewal announcement since the sixth season is yet to finish airing. Given the popularity of the series, we’re optimistic that the reality show will return with a new season.
Summer House Season 7 release date: When is it?
Currently, the release date for the seventh season of Summer House is not confirmed. However, we predict that the upcoming season will launch on Bravo by the end of this year.
With the Covid-19 variant Omicron situation it’s difficult to point out a specific release date but if production goes smoothly, fans can expect to see the new episodes in late 2022 or if there are any delays, the new season will come out sometime in 2023. Hopefully, without taking too much, the show makers might update fans regarding the upcoming season. Till then enjoy watching the current season of Summer House on Bravo.
The Cast of Summer House Season 9: Who’s in it?
Yet again, it’s hard to guess who will return in the seventh season but the old cast will likely be back along with some new faces. I mean it’s anyone’s guesses at this point but we have mentioned some names below who we think might be back again including–
- Kyle Cooke Main
- Cristina Gibson
- Lindsay Hubbard
- Amit Neuman
- Danielle Olivera
- Stephen McGee
- Carl Radke Main
- Jaclyn Shuman
- Everett Weston
- Ashley Wirkus
- Lauren Wirkus
- Amanda Batula
- Hannah Berner
- Paige DeSorbo
- Jordan Verroi
- Jules Daoud
- Luke Gulbranson
- Ciara Miller
- Jason Cameron
- Craig Conover
- Andrea Denver
- Gabrielle Kniery
- Austen Kroll
- Julia McGuire
- Mya Allen
- Alex Wach
As for the plot, it’s not known but we expect that the show will follow the same format as the previous season. The sixth season was filmed in the Hamptons and filming locations for the seventh is yet to be confirmed. Stay tuned for more updates.