Conceived and helmed by Genndy Tartakovsky for Adult Swim, Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal or simply Primal is an American adult animated fantasy horror thriller TV. Set in a purposely anachronistic concept of prehistory, depicting dinosaurs, primitive hominids, and Iron Age Homo sapiens as cohabiting within the exact atrocious period and combining many aspects of fantasy, anthology, adventure, thriller, action, and horror. The ten-episode first season of “Primal” was halved into two parts each containing five episodes. Part 1 of the series was released on Adult Swim on October 8, 2019, with the rest of the episodes discharging every day that exact week, while Part Two of the series was launched a year later on October 4, 2020.
As for the second season, it hasn’t been that long since it wrapped but fans are curious to find out whether Adult Swim will renew the series for a second run. Well, here’s what we know about it.
Primal Season 3: Renewed or Cancelled?
A third season of “Primal” is yet to be officially renewed but as revealed to Entertainment Weekly, showrunner Tartakovsky is very much keen to work on the story for the next season.
“And then starting preparation for season 3. I have a notion that I’m thrilled about, one idea that’s rising to the top. After doing five seasons of Samurai Jack, two seasons of Primal, all the Clone Wars that we did, I’ve done so many battles and action.”
He continued: “I was going to do it again, what would I do? How can I make it interesting to me and the audience, so it’s not just a repeat of what I’ve done? That’s why I was so excited about Primal. I haven’t done caveman-style fighting. He’s got no skills, it’s just rawness. To choreograph fights like that was really fun. Pushing it into season 3 of Primal, if it gets there, what’s different? What can I do that I haven’t done?
When is Season 3 of Primal Releasing?
There is no release date scheduled yet for the third installment because the series is awaiting its renewal confirmation though we already know that the showrunner seems excited to be working on the next season. Fans might have to wait probably about a year to see the new season. This means that the third season of “Primal” may be out sometime in the fall of 2023.
The Cast of Primal Season 3: Who’s in it?
The main characters of “Primal” are expected to return in season 3 including–
- Aaron LaPlante as the voice of Spear
- Noah Bentley for the younger version of Spear
- Fang – A female Tyrannosaurus
- Mira will be voiced by Laëtitia Eïdo
- Charles will be voiced by Jacob Dudman
- Darlington will be voiced by Jeremy Crutchley
Storyline Expectations For Season 3 of Primal
In Season 3, fans can expect the story to be a little different from the previous two seasons. Speaking to EW, Tartakovsky verifies that Spear’s daughter will not be carrying the main role in the battle as he doesn’t want to continue the tale further.
“I feel like this season we’ve done it all, in a way. I want it to almost become an anthology show, where season 3 would still be called Primal, but with a different subheading, Low-dialogue, high-emotion, survival, rawness, visual storytelling: All that stuff, but with different characters,” he explained.
“There are more things I want to do with Primal, not necessarily Spear and Fang. Maybe if there’s a giant outcry, we’ll continue the story with his daughter and Mira and the dinosaurs. I’d have to really think about it.”