Memorist is a Korean series that initially aired on tvN from March 11 to April 30, 2020. Based on the Jae Hoo-created 2016–2018 Daum webtoon of the same name, the show features Yoo Seung-ho, Lee Se-young, and Jo Sung-ha as the main characters.
As a police detective, Dong Baek uses his ability to read people’s memories to solve murders. Dong Baek joins forces with skilled criminal profiler Han Sun-mi to catch the murderer and stop more fatalities as a run of serial killings occurs. However, as they go after the murderer, the truth about each of their troubled pasts starts to come to light, and the murders swiftly turn out to be much more complicated than they had anticipated.
With the first season already being on the air, there has been much speculation regarding the second season – here’s everything we know about Memorist season 2!
Memorist Season 2 Release Date Information
According to IMDb, no renewal announcement has been made regarding Memorist season 2 – thus, there’s no release date available. If the makers make any potential revelations, we shall keep this space updated for you – please stay tuned!
On December 2, 2019, the first script reading for this Korean TV series was conducted. Yoo Seung-ho and Lee Se-young, who previously collaborated on the MBC serial Missing You (2012–13), are reunited in the drama.
Memorist Season 2 Plot: What To Expect?
In the previous season, we saw how Detective Dong Baek (Yoo Seung Ho) possesses amazing supernatural abilities, including the capacity to probe into other people’s memories. He is impulsive, unpredictable, and prone to mood swings, but his extraordinary abilities make him a priceless ally in the fight against crime.
Han Sun Mi (Lee Se Young) is a maverick criminal profiler who is cool, composed, and collected. She is the youngest senior superintendent in the history of the police department, despite still being very early in her career. She has shown tremendous promise.
The two must work together to find and apprehend a cruel, cunning serial murderer who has been committing a string of horrifying killings around the city. Can this unlikely crime-fighting duo put a halt to the evil mastermind’s mischievous plans? Can they pool their abilities to stop the killings, despite the fact that they are vastly different from one another?
This drama is based on the well-known, from 2016 to 2018, webcomic strip of the same name. Kim Hwi will be directing the South Korean drama series “Memorist” in 2020.
The series’ central concept is that Dong Baek unexpectedly developed a supernatural ability while still a high school student. He has the ability to read someone’s memory whenever he touches them. When Dong Baek tells people he can read people’s memories, he becomes an investigator. He is determined to apprehend as many offenders as he can. He runs into a puzzling serial killing case.
As of yet, there’s no information as to how the plot may unfold for Memorist season two. Please stay tuned for any fresh information!
Where To Watch Memorist Season Two?
You can watch the last season’s episodes of Memorist on Viki for free. However, as of yet, we don’t know where the second season will air; probably on the same platform.
Is “Memorist” Worth Watching?
If you ask me – just wow! The entire experience felt like riding a roller coaster! The plot is compelling, full of surprises, and expertly crafted so that it feels incredibly unpredictable but also makes sense. The psychic component of the novel gave an unusual twist that I really liked, and it was done extremely well.
There were several pretty wonderful side characters that you couldn’t help but adore, and the acting was also really well done. The tension wasn’t released until the very last episode thanks in large part to the evocative and tense soundtrack. The pacing was flawless; in contrast to many KDramas, which felt a little sluggish around episodes 10–11, there were NO slow episodes. Watching this was a wild rollercoaster that was really entertaining!
Is Memorist Season 3 Happening?
No updates as of yet!