Created by Paul Buys, Annemarie van, and Basten, Ludik is an American Crime drama thriller TV series that debuted on August 26, 2022 (United States). Set in South Africa, the storyline follows a different concept: “To save a kidnapped family member, an enterprising furniture tycoon must use his secret diamond smuggling operation to transport guns across the border.”
The production company behind the series is Rose and Oaks Media.
Will there be season 2 of Ludik?
As of now, no official confirmation regarding the renewal of the second season of Ludik has been released by the makers. Also, there has been no hint whether there will be a season 2 or not. Henceforth, we’ve got nothing about the renewal.
Ludik Season 2 Cast?
Neither the renewal nor the cast of the upcoming installment of Ludik was officially revealed by Netflix. However, our team did everything to bring you the latest news and cast updates about the Ludik season 2. Below Listed are the names of some cast whom we can anticipate seeing in the upcoming season of Ludik.
- Pieter Vorster will play as Danie Ludik
- Vikash Mathura will play as Translator
- Arnold Vosloo will play as Daan Ludik
- Lea Vivier will play as Louise Ludik
- Sean Cameron Michael will play as Arend Brown
- Inge Beckmann will play as Rina Goosen
- Jandre le Roux will play as Bells
- Diaan Lawrenson will play as Anet Ludik
- Rob van Vuuren will play as Swys De Villiers
- Zane Meas will play as Brigadier Davies
- Marno van der Merwe will play as Markus Ludik
- Almar Müller will play as Luke
- Tshamano Sebe will play as Charlie Dzike
- Mzu Ntantiso will play as Officer Moyo
- Leshane van der Bergh will play as Linda Ludik
- Lizz Meiring will play as Maureen Ludik
- Andre Odendaal will play as Viljoen Ludik
- Dirk Stoltz will play as Heim Ludik
- Tina Redman will play as Lil
- Keegan Pretorius will play as Young Swys de Villiers
- Jessica Roberts will play as Daan Ludik’s Mother
Ludik Season 2 Release Date?
So far, the official release date of the series Ludik Season 2 has not been announced. Additionally, it would be hard to predict the release date of the series as it ended on a conclusive note. However, if season 2 happens, we expect that the series Ludik Season 2 will be released somewhere in 2022. As soon as any updates regarding Ludik Season 2 are made public, we’ll inform you guys. Don’t forget to bookmark our page, and stay connected for future updates!
Ludik: Where To Watch?
You may watch the upcoming season of Ludik on the same platform where the first edition was released. Currently, Ludik Season 1 is streaming on Netflix, once the second season is out, it’ll start to premiere on the same platform.
Ludik Ratings?
Ludik Season 2 got mixed responses from critics. Heading toward the ratings, the series Ludik has received 5.6 out of 10 on IMDb. However, on Rotten Tomatoes, it secures a 61% Tomatometer rating and a 65% audience approval rating.