Perhaps one of the best things about the digital era we’re currently living in and the growth of online platforms is that new creative outlets can emerge and show off something very different – it has been the reason why online platforms in different forms of entertainment have become so successful whether with services at with brick and mortar locations closing, music platforms changing with more unique options, or changing media as platforms like YouTube have allowed new shows to emerge. One of the big successes in recent years has been with Letterkenny – depicting the life of Canadian hicks, skids, and hockey players and their daily struggles. Whilst initially starting as a comedy skit on YouTube, it was able to gain enough popularity to become a fully fledged TV sitcom heading into its 11th season.
Filming for the 11th season had already concluded by the end of 2021 as the show headed into its production period, but with many suggesting that the show would continue its approach of a holiday premiere it’s more likely that the show will air in the back half of 2022 – but with no official announcement just yet it could still come quite early. The binge-worthy show is a nice easy watch at the standard 20-minutes per sitcom episode and with just six episodes per season, it’s very quick to get through too. The show also has an 8.8 rating on IMDB so definitely worth checking out too as one of the highest rated shows currently out there, but it’s also unknown how much longer the show will go on for.
There had been some suggestions that the 11th season could be the final entry for the show, particularly as the creator and main character, Jared Keeso, will be working on a second spin-off project for one of the shows characters, Shoresy, but with no waning popularity it could still have the steam to go on for some time yet if the studio continue to renew it, and the cast are happy working on the project too.
What’s known for sure is there will certainly be more drinking and more fighting, and more inside jokes as a show that has always depicted how stories between friends develop in a great way – the French Canadians will also likely be a huge part of the show too with Wayne’s former love interest Marie Fred appearing in Season 10, and perhaps even some city folk too bringing the Dierks storyline back into the show.