‘Into The Night’ is a Netflix Belgian sci-fi series that became a massive hit when the series made its debut on 1st May 2020 with a total of six episodes. This show was one of the top 10 most viewed on Netflix.
The series Into The Night is based on the book called ‘The Old Axolotl’ written by Jacek Dujak, a Polish sci-fi and fantasy writer.
On July 1, 2020, the series was renewed for the second instalment following the massive success of the first season. The series has two seasons so far with six episodes each. It’s still not known when the third instalment will be renewed since the second season was just released a few hours back on September 8, 2021. Given the show’s huge popularity, we’re looking on the bright side. There is a high possibility that another season run will be on the horizon very soon.
Into The Night: What is the show about?
The series centres on a company of unknown folks on board a plane that was hijacked after taking off from Brussels. The hijacker named Terenzio was an Italian NATO soldier. Another bizarre incident is when any living organism gets exposed to the sun, it gets killed instantly. The survivors on the aircraft must work as a team and race against the sunlight to reach the military bunker. The only way to survive is to hide from the sun.
With only a handful of survivors left, another problem arises and that is there’s a shortage of food supplies. However, the group reached the safety zone but Terenzio, the hijacker, gets killed after he fails to free himself from the handcuffs as he gazes upon the daybreak.
‘Into The Night’ Season 3: What will happen?
Showrunner Jason George talked about possible storylines for the third season that fans could be seeing in case the series continues.
He described how viewers should try to understand why the deadly global catastrophe ever happened in the first place.
George said: “We’ll hopefully find out soon if we’re gonna get to continue this story. The thing that was really important for me in the first season was to really meet these characters, introduce this world, and introduce that macro problem. But because we were only six episodes, to really live in that too much felt like – frankly, every time I tried it, I felt like I was getting bogged down.”
He further added: “So the model I really wanted to use was that Jaws model, you know, famously where they had problems with the shark so they couldn’t use it as much.”
“But the idea of the shark being out there was something that was a motivating factor. So I really leaned into that a lot.”
‘Into The Night’ Season 3: When is it premiering?
Netflix is yet to announce what the future holds for the series.
If a third season were to be renewed, it will likely comprise of six episodes just like its first two seasons and although seasons one and two were filmed amid a pandemic with proper precautionary measures, it was released at the right time with no delays so we’re guessing if filming for the third season goes smoothly, we might get a release in fall 2023.
As for the cast and plot for the third season, it’s not revealed yet. We’ll have to wait for more updates. But the cast that was killed off in the previous season will not be returning and as for the plot for the upcoming season, the story will continue from where the second season left off.
In the meantime, you can watch the previous seasons of ‘Into The Night’ on Netflix.