Family Time is an American TV sitcom that aired on June 18, 2012, on Bounce TV. Created by Bentley Kyle Evans, and debuted, the series stars Omar Gooding and Angell Conwell in the role of Anthony and Lisa Stallworth. The storyline of the series follows the life of a working-class family who is certainly living a middle-class life by winning lottery tickets.
Will there be Family Time Season 9?
The last season of Family Time was renewed on August 11th of 2019 and premiered on October 7, 2020. Since October 2020, there hasn’t been any official update on the renewal of the ninth season. Read the entire article to know more about the series
Family Time Season 9 Cast
Find out the list of expected cast members who is going to be in the upcoming installment of Family Time.
- Omar Gooding will be seen in the role of Anthony “Tony” Stallworth
- Angell Conwell will be seen in the role of Lisa Calloway-Stallworth
- Jayla Calhoun will be seen in the role of Ebony Stallworth
- Bentley Kyle Evans Jr. will be seen in the role of Devin Stallworth
- Tanjareen Thomas will be seen in the role of Rachel Calloway
- Paula Jai Parker will be seen in the role of Lori Calloway-Wilson
- Clayton Thomas will be seen in the role of Donnie
- Rodney Perry will be seen in the role of Rodney
- Chris Williams will be seen in the role of Todd
- Erica Shaffer will be seen in the role of Vivian Stallworth
- Richard Gant and will be seen in the role of Darius
- Judyann Elder will be seen in the role of Beverly Stallworth
- Shanti Lowry will be seen in the role of Cheryl
- KJ Smith will be seen in the role of Melinda
- Teresa Topnotch will be seen in the role of Brandy
Family Time Season 9 Release Date
Family Time is the first ever Bounce TV original series. The series was immensely loved by the audience especially the storyline and the bond of friendship the storyline shared is mind-blowing. All the fans who binge-watched the entire eight seasons are wondering when the ninth season of the series would be released.
As per the source (from the production crew), the series has been quietly renewed and will probably release in Jan 2023. These are just speculation, nothing’s been officially declared. As soon as the makers announce any official confirmation on the release date, we’ll keep you guys updated.
Family Time: Where To Watch?
You may watch the series, Family Time on Bounce TV. One can binge-watch all the seasons of the series on Bounce TV itself. It was the first original series for the network.
Family Time Season 9 Trailer
As of now, there hasn’t been any official trailer for Family Time Season 9 released on YouTube – as it is not announced by the makers yet. Generally, the trailer comes out a month or two before the official release date of the series. Well, for now, you can watch the trailer of the previous season of the Bounce TV present Family Time on YouTube.
We’ll update you guys if any further updates and leaks about the series are out!