The Family Business is a crime family drama American TV series that premiered on November 13, 2018, on BET. Created by Carl Weber, the series is based on the bestselling crime drama book series. The storyline of the series follows the Duncans, an upstanding family that owns and operates an exotic car dealership in New York.
It stars Ernie Hudson, Valarie Pettiford, Darrin Henson, Javicia Leslie, Sean Ringgold, Tami Roman, Miguel A. Núñez Jr, Arrington Foster, Dylan Weber, Emilio Rivera, Clifton Powell, KJ Smith, Yadi Valerio, and Brely Evans will play as the star cast of the series.
Family Business is produced by Tri Destined Studios and Urban Books Media alongside Carl Weber, Connie Orlando, Maureen Guthman, Nikaya D. Brown Jones, Ernie Hudson, Christian Keyes, Ben Stephens, Lorisa Bates, Michelle Suite, Javicia Leslie, Sean Ringgold, Trey Haley, and Abe Brown as the executive producers. Well, READ ON TO FIND OUT ALL THE DETAILS, INCLUDING ITS RELEASE DATE, CAST, AND OTHER UPDATES!
Will there be Family Business Season 5?
As of now, there hasn’t been any hint of renewal of the fifth installment of Family Business Season 5. Neither the production nor BET network has released an official declaration on the retrieval of the fifth season. The Last update we have from their side was the renewal of the fourth installment. On January 28, 2022, the series was renewed for a fourth season. Since January 2022, we’ve not heard anything yet.
Family Business Season 5 Cast
As of now, BET has not announced any official update on the renewal of the cast list and the starting members of the upcoming season. All the previous seasons were stacked with an incredible cast members. Similarly, keeping an eye on earlier seasons, we can expect some cast to reappear again if the season happens.
Here is the list of cast members to be seen in the coming season
- Ernie Hudson will play as L.C. Duncan – L.C.
- Valerie Pettiford will play as Charlotte Duncan
- Armand will play as sante will play as Sal Dash
- Darrin Henson will play as Orlando Duncan –
- Emilio Rivera will play as Alejandro Zuniga
- Yadi Rivera will play as Consuela Zuniga
- Carlos Sotelo will play as Miguel Zuniga
- Javicia Leslie will play as Paris Duncan
- Miguel A. Núñez Jr. will play as Harris Grant
- Tami Roman will play as London Duncan-Grant
- Sean Ringgold will play as Junior Duncan
- Arrington Foster will play as Rio Duncan
- KJ Smith will play as Sasha Duncan
- Dylan Weber will play as Nevada Duncan
- Clifton Powell will play as Uncle Lou Duncan
- Kimberly Patterson will play as Ruby
Family Business: Where To Watch?
You may watch the first four editions of Family Business on BET or BET+ Network.
Family Business Season 5 Trailer
Since we have no update on the renewal of the fifth installment, there have been no announcements or news updates by the makers on the trailer of the series as well. Stay tuned for more updates! Once the production announces the official release date, the trailer will be released within a month or two.