Created by Cody Heller “Dummy” is an American comedy series that marked its debut on Quibi on April 20, 2020. The series is heavily inspired by an actual life experience between the show’s creator Heller and her partner Dan Harmon, in which she found out that he had a lovemaking doll. The series was initially generated as a television pilot, but the screenplay was repenned as a movie and then divided into less than ten minute episodes to match into the whim of Quibi. It stars Anna Kendrick, Meredith Hagner, and Donal Logue.
About The Show
“Dummy” revolves around an aspiring author, Cody (Anna Kendrick), and her partner’s (Donal Logue) lovemaking doll, Barbara (Meredith Hagner), who take on the globe together. As previously mentioned, the story is based on Heller’s relationship with her then-partner Dan Harmon who is now her finacé.
“It really is sort of a love story between [Cody and Barbara] and a buddy comedy and Dan is the means of them meeting, but he really goes into the background,” showrunner Heller explains to TV Insider. “Then it is this story about these two women navigating the world together.”
She added: “It is a lot about feminism and just what I struggle with with feminism and feeling like I’m not good enough about being a feminist and I’m not doing it right. There’s a whole episode that’s about trying to pass the Bechdel test. The title Dummy is not just referring to the doll.”
Dummy Season 2 Release Date: Renewed or Canceled?
The first season consisting of ten episodes was released on April 20, 2020. Currently, there has been no official word or update from the show makers concerning the second season of Dummy. The show’s renewal status remains unconfirmed and neither canceled despite the series being aired back in 2020. What’s even more surprising is not a single word has been heard from the creators. So naturally, no release date has been scheduled. Also since the series was originally generated as a television pilot, likely, fans won’t get to see a second season. But we can not assume for now as anything could happen.
So if on the off chance the series get renewed, fans can watch the new season of their favorite show only sometime in 2023, possibly. We’ll update this section as soon as we get any official update from the show makers.
The Cast of Dummy Season 2
If season two of Dummy ever happens, the main characters who appeared in the first season would reprise their roles once again. This include:
- Anna Kendrick in role of Cody Heller
- Meredith Hagner will the part of Barbara Himmelbaum-Harmon
- Donal Logue will return as Dan Harmon
What Can We Expect in Season 2 of Dummy?
Because the show is not renewed, plot details are extremely scarce. However, in the second season, we expect the relationship between Cody and Dan to explore further.
Tricia Brock, the genius behind the camera, helmed all ten episodes of Dummy, who also serves as an executive producer along with Heller, Kendrick, Paul Lee, and Josh Stern. Serving as the show’s producer is Dylan Golden. The series is production of wiipp, Let’s Go Again, Inc., and Heller Highwater Pictures.
Will Dummy return with season 2 in 2023?
As of January 2023, the series Dummy is yet to be renewed for season 2. That’s right, the makers haven’t officially greenlit the series for the second season. However, we expect the renewal announcements to be made sooner. Stay connected with us for as soon as any new updates are made, we will announce it here!
How many episodes could there be in season 2?
The previous season of The Boondocks had a total of 10 episodes. Thus, if the makers decide to follow a similar pattern, the fifth season may also comprise 10 episodes. However, there hasn’t been an official update yet.
Is there a trailer yet?
The series is yet to be renewed for season 2, and so, there’s no trailer for now. You can expect a trailer after the official release date has been confirmed by the makers. For the time being, watch the previous season’s trailer down below.
Where to watch the series Dummy?
You may watch the series Dummy on Amazon Prime Video. All the episodes are available to watch and stream on the same platform. Happy watching!
Is Dummy season 3 happening?
No updates as of yet!